Source code for ingenialink.poller

from ingenialink.utils._utils import raise_err
from ingenialink.utils import constants

from datetime import datetime
from threading import Timer, RLock

import ingenialogger

logger = ingenialogger.get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class PollerTimer: """Custom timer for the Poller. Args: time (int): Timeout to use for the timer. cb (function): Callback. """ def __init__(self, time, cb): self.cb = cb self.time = time self.thread = Timer(self.time, self.handle_function)
[docs] def handle_function(self): """Handle method that creates the timer for the poller""" self.cb() self.thread = Timer(self.time, self.handle_function) self.thread.start()
[docs] def start(self): """Starts the poller timer""" self.thread.start()
[docs] def cancel(self): """Stops the poller timer""" self.thread.cancel() if self.thread.is_alive(): self.thread.join()
[docs]class Poller: """Register poller for CANOpen/Ethernet communications. Args: servo (CanopenServo, EthernetServo): Servo. num_channels (int): Number of channels. """ def __init__(self, servo, num_channels): self.__servo = servo self.__num_channels = num_channels self.__sz = 0 self.__refresh_time = 0 self.__time_start = 0.0 self.__samples_count = 0 self.__samples_lost = False self.__timer = None self.__running = False self.__mappings = [] self.__mappings_enabled = [] self.__lock = RLock() self._reset_acq()
[docs] def start(self): """Start the poller.""" if self.__running: logger.warning("Poller already running") raise_err(constants.IL_EALREADY) # Activate timer self.__timer = PollerTimer(self.__refresh_time, self._acquire_callback_poller_data) self.__timer.start() self.__time_start = self.__running = True return 0
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop poller.""" if self.__running: self.__timer.cancel() self.__running = False
[docs] def configure(self, t_s, sz): """Configure data. Args: t_s (int, float): Polling period (s). sz (int): Buffer size. Returns: int: Status code. Raises: ILStateError: The poller is already running. """ if self.__running: logger.warning("Poller is running") raise_err(constants.IL_ESTATE) # Configure data and sizes with empty data self._reset_acq() self.__sz = sz self.__refresh_time = t_s self.__acq["t"] = [0] * sz for channel in range(0, self.num_channels): data_channel = [0] * sz self.__acq["d"].append(data_channel) self.__mappings.append("") self.__mappings_enabled.append(False) return 0
[docs] def ch_configure(self, channel, reg, subnode=1): """Configure a poller channel mapping. Args: channel (int): Channel to be configured. reg (Register): Register to associate to the given channel. subnode (int): Subnode for the register. Returns: int: Status code. Raises: ILStateError: The poller is already running. ILValueError: Channel out of range. TypeError: If the register is not valid. """ if self.__running: logger.warning("Poller is running") raise_err(constants.IL_ESTATE) if channel > self.num_channels: logger.error("Channel out of range") raise_err(constants.IL_EINVAL) # Obtain register _reg = self.servo._get_reg(reg, subnode) # Reg identifier obtained and set enabled self.__mappings[channel] = {} self.__mappings[channel][_reg.identifier] = int(_reg.subnode) self.__mappings_enabled[channel] = True return 0
[docs] def ch_disable(self, channel): """Disable a channel. Args: channel (int): Channel to be disabled. Raises: ILStateError: The poller is already running. ILValueError: Channel out of range. Returns: int: Status code. """ if self.__running: logger.warning("Poller is running") raise_err(constants.IL_ESTATE) if channel > self.num_channels: logger.error("Channel out of range") raise_err(constants.IL_EINVAL) # Set channel required as disabled self.__mappings_enabled[channel] = False return 0
[docs] def ch_disable_all(self): """Disable all channels. Returns: int: Status code. """ for channel in range(self.num_channels): r = self.ch_disable(channel) if r < 0: raise_err(r) return 0
def _reset_acq(self): """Resets the acquired channels.""" self.__acq = {"t": [], "d": []} def _acquire_callback_poller_data(self): """Acquire callback for poller data.""" time_diff = delta = time_diff - self.__time_start # Obtain current time t = delta.total_seconds() self.__lock.acquire() # Acquire all configured channels if self.__samples_count >= self.__sz: self.__samples_lost = True else: self.__acq["t"][self.__samples_count] = t # Acquire enabled channels, comprehension list indexes obtained enabled_channel_indexes = [ channel_idx for channel_idx, is_enabled in enumerate(self.__mappings_enabled) if is_enabled ] for channel in enabled_channel_indexes: for register_identifier, subnode in self.__mappings[channel].items(): self.__acq["d"][channel][self.__samples_count] = register_identifier, subnode ) # Increment samples count self.__samples_count += 1 self.__lock.release() @property def data(self): """tuple (list, list, bool): Time vector, array of data vectors and a flag indicating if data was lost.""" t = list(self.__acq["t"][0 : self.__samples_count]) d = [] # Acquire enabled channels, comprehension list indexes obtained enabled_channel_indexes = [ channel_idx for channel_idx, is_enabled in enumerate(self.__mappings_enabled) if is_enabled ] for channel in range(self.num_channels): if self.__mappings_enabled[channel]: d.append(list(self.__acq["d"][channel][0 : self.__samples_count])) else: d.append(list(None)) self.__lock.acquire() self.__samples_count = 0 self.__samples_lost = False self.__lock.release() return t, d, self.__samples_lost @property def servo(self): """Servo: Servo instance to be used.""" return self.__servo @servo.setter def servo(self, value): self.__servo = value @property def num_channels(self): """int: Number of channels in the poller.""" return self.__num_channels @num_channels.setter def num_channels(self, value): self.__num_channels = value