Source code for

from enum import Enum
from time import sleep, time
from threading import Thread
from .register import CanopenRegister
from ingenialink.utils.mcb import MCB
from ingenialink.utils._utils import count_file_lines, wait_for_register_value
from ..exceptions import ILFirmwareLoadError, ILObjectNotExist, ILError
from can import CanError
from import NET_PROT, NET_STATE, NET_DEV_EVT, Network

import re
import os
import canopen
import tempfile
import ingenialogger

logger = ingenialogger.get_logger(__name__)

PROG_STAT_1 = CanopenRegister(
PROG_DL_1 = CanopenRegister(
FORCE_BOOT = CanopenRegister(

CIA301_DRV_ID_DEVICE_TYPE = CanopenRegister(

BOOTLOADER_MSG_SIZE = 256  # Size in Bytes
POLLING_MAX_TRIES = 5  # Seconds



    "kvaser": (0, 1),
    "pcan": ("PCAN_USBBUS1", "PCAN_USBBUS2"),
    "ixxat": (0, 1),
    "virtual": (0, 1),

[docs]class CAN_DEVICE(Enum): """CAN Device.""" KVASER = "kvaser" PCAN = "pcan" IXXAT = "ixxat" VIRTUAL = "virtual"
[docs]class CAN_BAUDRATE(Enum): """Baudrates.""" Baudrate_1M = 1000000 """1 Mbit/s""" Baudrate_500K = 500000 """500 Kbit/s""" Baudrate_250K = 250000 """250 Kbit/s""" Baudrate_125K = 125000 """125 Kbit/s""" Baudrate_100K = 100000 """100 Kbit/s""" Baudrate_50K = 50000 """50 Kbit/s"""
CAN_BIT_TIMMING = { CAN_BAUDRATE.Baudrate_1M: 0, CAN_BAUDRATE.Baudrate_500K: 2, CAN_BAUDRATE.Baudrate_250K: 3, CAN_BAUDRATE.Baudrate_125K: 4, CAN_BAUDRATE.Baudrate_100K: 5, CAN_BAUDRATE.Baudrate_50K: 6, }
[docs]class NetStatusListener(Thread): """Network status listener thread to check if the drive is alive. Args: network (CanopenNetwork): Network instance of the CANopen communication. node (canopen.RemoteNode): Identifier for the targeted node ID. """ def __init__(self, network, node): super(NetStatusListener, self).__init__() self.__network = network self.node = node self.__timestamp = self.node.nmt.timestamp self.__state = NET_STATE.CONNECTED self.__stop = False
[docs] def run(self): while not self.__stop: if self.__timestamp == self.node.nmt.timestamp: if self.__state != NET_STATE.DISCONNECTED: self.__network.status = NET_STATE.DISCONNECTED self.__state = NET_STATE.DISCONNECTED self.__network._notify_status(NET_DEV_EVT.REMOVED) else: self.__network._reset_connection() else: if self.__state != NET_STATE.CONNECTED: self.__network.status = NET_STATE.CONNECTED self.__state = NET_STATE.CONNECTED self.__network._notify_status(NET_DEV_EVT.ADDED) self.__timestamp = self.node.nmt.timestamp sleep(1.5)
def stop(self): self.__stop = True
[docs]class CanopenNetwork(Network): """Network of the CANopen communication. Args: device (CAN_DEVICE): Targeted device to connect. channel (int): Targeted channel number of the transceiver. baudrate (CAN_BAUDRATE): Baudrate to communicate through. """ def __init__(self, device, channel=0, baudrate=CAN_BAUDRATE.Baudrate_1M): super(CanopenNetwork, self).__init__() self.__device = device.value self.__channel = CAN_CHANNELS[self.__device][channel] self.__baudrate = baudrate.value self._connection = None self.__listeners_net_status = [] self.__net_state = NET_STATE.DISCONNECTED self.__observers_net_state = [] self.__observers_fw_load_status_msg = [] self.__observers_fw_load_progress = [] self.__observers_fw_load_errors_enabled = [] self.__fw_load_status_msg = "" self.__fw_load_progress = 0 self.__fw_load_errors_enabled = True
[docs] def scan_slaves(self): """Scans for nodes in the network. Returns: list: Containing all the detected node IDs. """ is_connection_created = False if self._connection is None: is_connection_created = True try: self._setup_connection() except ILError: self._teardown_connection() return [] self._connection.scanner.reset() try: except Exception as e: logger.error("Error searching for nodes. Exception: {}".format(e))"Resetting bus") if ( self._connection is not None and self._connection.bus is not None and hasattr(self._connection.bus, "reset") ): self._connection.bus.reset() sleep(0.05) nodes = self._connection.scanner.nodes if is_connection_created: self._teardown_connection() return nodes
[docs] def connect_to_slave( self, target, dictionary=None, eds=None, servo_status_listener=False, net_status_listener=False, ): """Connects to a drive through a given target node ID. Args: target (int): Targeted node ID to be connected. dictionary (str): Path to the dictionary file. eds (str): Path to the EDS file. servo_status_listener (bool): Toggle the listener of the servo for its status, errors, faults, etc. net_status_listener (bool): Toggle the listener of the network status, connection and disconnection. """ nodes = self.scan_slaves() if len(nodes) < 1: raise ILError("Could not find any nodes in the network") self._setup_connection() if target in nodes: try: node = self._connection.add_node(target, eds) node.nmt.start_node_guarding(1) servo = CanopenServo( target, node, dictionary, eds, servo_status_listener=servo_status_listener ) if net_status_listener: self.start_status_listener(servo) self.servos.append(servo) return servo except Exception as e: logger.error("Failed connecting to node %i. Exception: %s", target, e) raise ILError( "Failed connecting to node {}. " "Please check the connection settings and verify " "the transceiver is properly connected.".format(target) ) else: logger.error("Node id not found") raise ILError("Node id {} not found in the network.".format(target))
[docs] def disconnect_from_slave(self, servo): """Disconnects the slave from the network. Args: servo (CanopenServo): Instance of the servo connected. """ self.stop_status_listener(servo) servo.stop_status_listener() self.servos.remove(servo) if not self.servos: self._teardown_connection()
def _setup_connection(self): """Creates a network interface object establishing an empty connection with all the network attributes already specified.""" if self._connection is None: self._connection = canopen.Network() try: self._connection.connect( bustype=self.__device, channel=self.__channel, bitrate=self.__baudrate ) except CanError as e: logger.error("Transceiver not found in network. Exception: %s", e) raise ILError( "Error connecting to the transceiver. " "Please verify the transceiver " "is properly connected." ) except OSError as e: logger.error("Transceiver drivers not properly installed. Exception: %s", e) if hasattr(e, "winerror") and e.winerror == 126: e.strerror = "Driver module not found. Drivers might not be properly installed." raise ILError(e) except Exception as e: logger.error("Failed trying to connect. Exception: %s", e) raise ILError("Failed trying to connect. {}".format(e)) else:"Connection already established") def _teardown_connection(self): """Tears down the already established connection and deletes the network interface""" self._connection.disconnect() self._connection = None"Tear down connection.") def _reset_connection(self): """Resets the established CANopen network.""" try: self._connection.disconnect() except BaseException as e: logger.error("Disconnection failed. Exception: %", e) try: for node in self._connection.scanner.nodes: self._connection.nodes[node].nmt.stop_node_guarding() if self._connection.bus: self._connection.bus.flush_tx_buffer()"Bus flushed") except Exception as e: logger.error("Could not stop guarding. Exception: %", e) try: self._connection.connect( bustype=self.__device, channel=self.__channel, bitrate=self.__baudrate ) for servo in self.servos: node = self._connection.add_node(, servo.eds) node.nmt.start_node_guarding(1) except BaseException as e: logger.error("Connection failed. Exception: %s", e)
[docs] def load_firmware( self, target, fw_file, callback_status_msg=None, callback_progress=None, callback_errors_enabled=None, ): """Loads a given firmware file to a target. .. warning :: It is needed to disconnect the drive(:func:`disconnect_from_slave`) after loading the firmware since the `Servo` object's data will become obsolete. Args: target (int): Targeted node ID to be loaded. fw_file (str): Path to the firmware file. callback_status_msg (object): Subscribed callback function for the status message when loading a firmware. callback_progress (object): Subscribed callback function for the live progress when loading a firmware. callback_errors_enabled (object): Subscribed callback function for knowing when to toggle the error detection when loading firmware. Raises: ILFirmwareLoadError: The firmware load process fails with an error message. """ servo = None lfu_path = None error_detected_msg = "" servo_connected = False error_connecting = False progress = 0 if not os.path.isfile(fw_file): raise FileNotFoundError("Could not find {}.".format(fw_file)) # Subscribe to firmware loader process if callback_status_msg is not None: self.__observers_fw_load_status_msg.append(callback_status_msg) if callback_progress is not None: self.__observers_fw_load_progress.append(callback_progress) if callback_errors_enabled is not None: self.__observers_fw_load_errors_enabled.append(callback_errors_enabled) self.__set_fw_load_status_msg("") self.__set_fw_load_progress(progress) self.__set_fw_load_errors_enabled(True) # Check if target is already connected for servo in self.servos: if == target: servo_connected = True break else: servo = None try: if not servo_connected: self.__set_fw_load_status_msg("Connecting to drive")"Connecting to drive") progress = 5 self.__set_fw_load_progress(progress) try: servo = self.connect_to_slave(target, servo_status_listener=False) progress = 7 self.__set_fw_load_progress(progress) except Exception as e: logger.error("Error connecting to drive through CAN: %s", e) error_connecting = True if servo is not None and not error_connecting: # Check if bootloader is supported"Checking compatibility") self.__set_fw_load_status_msg("Checking compatibility") prog_stat_1 = None try: prog_stat_1 =, subnode=0) is_bootloader_supported = True except Exception as e: is_bootloader_supported = False progress = 10 current_progress = progress self.__set_fw_load_progress(progress) if is_bootloader_supported: # Check if file is .lfu file_name, file_extension = os.path.splitext(fw_file) if file_extension != "" and file_extension == ".sfu": fd, lfu_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".lfu") logger.debug(">> FD: {}. \n>> LFU PATH: {}.".format(fd, lfu_path)) try: # Convert the sfu file to lfu"Converting sfu to lfu...") self.__set_fw_load_status_msg("Optimizing file")"Optimizing file") total_file_lines = count_file_lines(fw_file) outfile = open(lfu_path, "wb") coco_in = open(fw_file, "r") mcb = MCB() copy_process = 0 bin_node = "" for line in coco_in: if ( re.match("74 67 [0-4][0-4] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00", line) is not None ): bin_node = line[6:8] newline = "{} {}".format(bin_node, line) words = newline.split() # Get command and address subnode = int(words[0], 16) cmd = int(words[2] + words[1], 16) data = b"" num = 3 while num in range(3, len(words)): # load data MCB data = data + bytes([int(words[num], 16)]) num = num + 1 # send message node = 10 mcb.add_cmd(node, subnode, cmd, data, outfile) new_progress = ( int((copy_process * (25 - progress)) / total_file_lines) + progress ) if new_progress != current_progress: current_progress = new_progress self.__set_fw_load_progress(current_progress) copy_process += 1 progress = current_progress outfile.close() coco_in.close()"Converted to lfu") except Exception as e: logger.error("Exception converting to lfu. {}".format(e)) else: lfu_path = fw_file total_file_size = os.path.getsize(lfu_path) / BOOTLOADER_MSG_SIZE # Check if Boot mode or App loaded try: device_type =, subnode=0) device_type = device_type & 0xFFFF except Exception as e: device_type = 0 if device_type == APPLICATION_LOADED_STATE: # Drive profile self.__set_fw_load_status_msg("Entering Bootmode")"Entering Bootmode") # Enter in NMT pre-operational state. self._connection.nmt.send_command(PROG_CTRL_STATE_FLASH) # The drive will unlock the clear program command password = 0x70636675 try: servo.write(FORCE_BOOT, password, subnode=0) except Exception as e: pass if prog_stat_1 == PROG_CTRL_STATE_START or prog_stat_1 == PROG_CTRL_STATE_FLASH: # Write 0 to 0x1F51 to stop the app try: servo.write(PROG_STAT_1, PROG_CTRL_STATE_STOP, subnode=0) except Exception as e: pass self.__set_fw_load_status_msg("Setting up drive")"Connected")"Clearing program...") prog_stat_1 = None try: prog_stat_1 =, subnode=0) r = 0 except Exception as e: r = -1 if r >= 0 and prog_stat_1 == PROG_CTRL_STATE_STOP: try: servo.write(PROG_STAT_1, PROG_CTRL_STATE_CLEAR, subnode=0) except Exception as e: pass r = wait_for_register_value(servo, 0, PROG_STAT_1, PROG_CTRL_STATE_CLEAR) if r >= 0: try: servo.write(PROG_STAT_1, PROG_CTRL_STATE_FLASH, subnode=0) except Exception as e: pass r = wait_for_register_value(servo, 0, PROG_STAT_1, PROG_CTRL_STATE_FLASH) if r < 0: error_detected_msg = "Error entering flashing mode" else: error_detected_msg = "Error entering boot mode" logger.error(error_detected_msg) if error_detected_msg == "":"Downloading program...") image = open(lfu_path, "rb") counter = 0 # Read image content in BOOTLOADER_MSG_SIZE try: error_downloading = False servo._change_sdo_timeout(10) self.__set_fw_load_status_msg("Downloading firmware")"Downloading firmware") byte = bytes_data = bytearray() counter_blocks = 1 while not error_downloading: bytes_data.extend(byte) if counter_blocks == BOOTLOADER_MSG_SIZE: counter_blocks = 0 try: servo.write(PROG_DL_1, bytes_data, subnode=0) r = 0 except Exception as e: r = -1 if r < 0: error_downloading = True error_detected_msg = "An error occurred while downloading." counter += 1 new_progress = ( int((counter * (100 - progress)) / total_file_size) + progress ) if new_progress != current_progress: current_progress = new_progress self.__set_fw_load_progress(current_progress) bytes_data = bytearray() byte = if not byte: break counter_blocks += 1 if not error_downloading: self.__set_fw_load_status_msg("Flashing firmware")"Download Finished!")"Flashing firmware") try: servo.write(PROG_DL_1, bytes_data, subnode=0) except Exception as e: pass servo._change_sdo_timeout(CANOPEN_SDO_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT) except Exception as e: error_detected_msg = "An error occurred while downloading." logger.error( "Failed to download fw, reset might be needed. " "Exception {}.".format(e) ) try: image.close() logger.debug("Temp file deleted") except Exception as e: logger.warning("Could not remove temp file. Exception: {}".format(e)) if error_detected_msg == "":"Disable errors") self.__set_fw_load_errors_enabled(False)"Flashing...") try: servo.write(PROG_STAT_1, PROG_CTRL_STATE_STOP, subnode=0) except Exception as e: pass"Waiting for the drive to respond...") sleep(5) initial_time = time() time_diff = time() - initial_time bool_timeout = False stop_status_listener_after_reconnect = not self.is_listener_started(servo) self.start_status_listener(servo) logger.debug("Starting status listener...") while ( self.status != NET_STATE.CONNECTED and time_diff < RECONNECTION_TIMEOUT ): time_diff = time() - initial_time sleep(0.5) if not time_diff < RECONNECTION_TIMEOUT: bool_timeout = True if stop_status_listener_after_reconnect: self.stop_status_listener(servo) logger.debug("Stopping status listener...") logger.debug(f"Time waited for reconnection: {time_diff} {bool_timeout}") logger.debug(f"Net state after reconnection: {self.status}") sleep(5) self.__set_fw_load_status_msg("Starting program")"Starting program") try: servo.write(PROG_STAT_1, PROG_CTRL_STATE_START, subnode=0) except Exception as e: pass if not bool_timeout:"Bootloader finished successfully!") self.__set_fw_load_status_msg("Bootloader finished successfully!") # Wait for the drive to reset initial_time = time() timeout = 25 stop = False"Waiting for the drive to be available.") while (time() - initial_time) < timeout and not stop: try: stop = True except ILError: pass else: error_detected_msg = "Could not recover drive" logger.error(error_detected_msg) else: # Bootloader not supported error_detected_msg = ( "Firmware and bootloader versions are " "not compatible. Use FTP Bootloader instead." ) else: error_detected_msg = "Failed to connect to the drive" logger.error("Error detected could not specify the drive.") if self._connection is not None and not servo_connected: self._teardown_connection() logger.error("CANopen connection disconnected") except Exception as e: logger.error("Failed to load firmware. Exception: {}".format(e)) error_detected_msg = "Failed to load firmware" if servo is not None and not servo_connected: self.disconnect_from_slave(servo) elif self._connection is not None and not servo_connected: self._teardown_connection() logger.error("CANopen connection disconnected") try: if servo is not None and not servo_connected: self.disconnect_from_slave(servo) elif self._connection is not None and not servo_connected: self._teardown_connection() logger.error("CANopen connection disconnected") except Exception as e: logger.error("Could not disconnect the drive. Exception {}.".format(e)) try: if lfu_path != fw_file: os.remove(lfu_path) except Exception as e: logger.warning("Could not remove {}. Exception: {}".format(lfu_path, e)) self.__set_fw_load_errors_enabled(True) # Unsubscribe to firmware loader process if callback_status_msg is not None: self.__observers_fw_load_status_msg.remove(callback_status_msg) if callback_progress is not None: self.__observers_fw_load_progress.remove(callback_progress) if callback_errors_enabled is not None: self.__observers_fw_load_errors_enabled.remove(callback_errors_enabled) if error_detected_msg != "": raise ILFirmwareLoadError(error_detected_msg)
def __set_fw_load_status_msg(self, new_value): """Updates the fw_load_status_msg value and triggers all the callbacks associated. Args: new_value: New value for the variable. """ self.__fw_load_status_msg = new_value for callback in self.__observers_fw_load_status_msg: callback(new_value) def __set_fw_load_progress(self, new_value): """Updates the fw_load_progress value and triggers all the callbacks associated. Args: new_value: New value for the variable. """ self.__fw_load_progress = new_value for callback in self.__observers_fw_load_progress: callback(new_value) def __set_fw_load_errors_enabled(self, new_value): """Updates the fw_load_errors_enabled value and triggers all the callbacks associated. Args: new_value: New value for the variable. """ self.__fw_load_errors_enabled = new_value for callback in self.__observers_fw_load_errors_enabled: callback(new_value)
[docs] def change_baudrate( self, target_node, new_target_baudrate, vendor_id, product_code, rev_number, serial_number ): """Changes the node ID of a given target node ID. .. note:: The servo must be disconnected after this operation in order to make the changes visible and update all the internal data. It is also needed a power cycle of the servo otherwise the changes will not be applied. Args: target_node (int): Node ID of the targeted device. new_target_baudrate (CAN_BAUDRATE): New baudrate for the targeted device. vendor_id (int): Vendor ID of the targeted device. product_code (int): Product code of the targeted device. rev_number (int): Revision number of the targeted device. serial_number (int): Serial number of the targeted device. Returns: bool: Indicates if the operation was successful. """ if self._connection is None: raise ILObjectNotExist("CAN connection was not established.") try: logger.debug("Switching LSS into CONFIGURATION state...") r = self._connection.lss.send_switch_state_selective( vendor_id, product_code, rev_number, serial_number, ) if r >= 0: self._connection.lss.configure_bit_timing(CAN_BIT_TIMMING[new_target_baudrate]) sleep(0.1) self._lss_store_configuration() else: raise ILError("Error switching lss to selective state. Error code: {}".format(r)) finally: self._lss_reset_connection_nodes(target_node)"Baudrate changed to {}".format(new_target_baudrate))
[docs] def change_node_id( self, target_node, new_target_node, vendor_id, product_code, rev_number, serial_number ): """Changes the node ID of a given target node ID. .. note:: The servo must be disconnected after this operation in order to make the changes visible and update all the internal data. Args: target_node (int): Node ID of the targeted device. new_target_node (int): New node ID for the targeted device. vendor_id (int): Vendor ID of the targeted device. product_code (int): Product code of the targeted device. rev_number (int): Revision number of the targeted device. serial_number (int): Serial number of the targeted device. Returns: bool: Indicates if the operation was successful. """ if self._connection is None: raise ILObjectNotExist("CAN connection was not established.") try: logger.debug("Switching LSS into CONFIGURATION state...") r = self._connection.lss.send_switch_state_selective( vendor_id, product_code, rev_number, serial_number, ) if r >= 0: self._connection.lss.configure_node_id(new_target_node) sleep(0.1) self._lss_store_configuration() else: raise ILError("Error switching lss to selective state. Error code: {}".format(r)) finally: self._lss_reset_connection_nodes(target_node)"Node ID changed to {}".format(new_target_node))
def _lss_store_configuration(self): """Stores the current configuration of the LSS""" self._connection.lss.store_configuration() sleep(0.1)"Stored new configuration") self._connection.lss.send_switch_state_global(self._connection.lss.WAITING_STATE) def _lss_reset_connection_nodes(self, target_node): """Resets the connection and starts node guarding for the connection nodes. Args: target_node (int): Node ID of the targeted device. """ self._connection.nodes[target_node].nmt.send_command(0x82) logger.debug("Wait until node is reset") sleep(0.5) for servo in self.servos:"Node connected: %i", node = self._connection.add_node(, servo.eds) # Reset all nodes to default state self._connection.lss.send_switch_state_global(self._connection.lss.WAITING_STATE) self._connection.nodes[target_node].nmt.start_node_guarding(1)
[docs] def subscribe_to_status(self, callback): """Subscribe to network state changes. Args: callback (function): Callback function. """ if callback in self.__observers_net_state:"Callback already subscribed.") return self.__observers_net_state.append(callback)
[docs] def unsubscribe_from_status(self, callback): """Unsubscribe from network state changes. Args: callback (function): Callback function. """ if callback not in self.__observers_net_state:"Callback not subscribed.") return self.__observers_net_state.remove(callback)
def _notify_status(self, status): for callback in self.__observers_net_state: callback(status) def is_listener_started(self, servo): for listener in self.__listeners_net_status: if == return True return False
[docs] def start_status_listener(self, servo): """Start monitoring network events (CONNECTION/DISCONNECTION).""" if self.is_listener_started(servo):"Listener on node {} is already started.") return listener = NetStatusListener(self, servo.node) listener.start() self.__listeners_net_status.append(listener)
[docs] def stop_status_listener(self, servo): """Stops the NetStatusListener from listening to the drive.""" try: for node_id, node_obj in self._connection.nodes.items(): if node_id == node_obj.nmt.stop_node_guarding() except Exception as e: logger.error("Could not stop node guarding. Exception: %s", str(e)) servo_listener = None for listener in self.__listeners_net_status: if == and listener.is_alive: listener.stop() listener.join() servo_listener = listener if servo_listener is not None: self.__listeners_net_status.remove(servo_listener)
@property def device(self): """CAN_DEVICE: Current device of the network.""" return self.__device @property def channel(self): """int: Current device of the network.""" return self.__channel @property def baudrate(self): """int: Current baudrate of the network.""" return self.__baudrate @property def network(self): """canopen.Network: Returns the instance of the CANopen Network.""" return self._connection @property def protocol(self): """NET_PROT: Obtain network protocol.""" return NET_PROT.CAN @property def status(self): """NET_STATE: Network state.""" return self.__net_state @status.setter def status(self, new_state): self.__net_state = new_state