Bugs [MOT-900] - Target Torque & Position slider does not present zero position [MOT-1395] - The auto-write function of the GPO are not working properly [MOT-1421] - Fix torque limits display when using % rated torque [MOT-1627] - Converter Tool is not updated on units changed [MOT-1630] - Irregular time between samples when exporting to .csv [MOT-1952] - Sliders on main window not shown correctly [MOT-1959] - Extra empty tooltip on Finish button [MOT-1981] - MotionLab goes to windows background when closing a pop-up window [MOT-1983] - MotionLab automatically searches the drive on close the options window [MOT-1984] - Ask for configuration wizard configuration not being saved correctly [MOT-1991] - Error when setting Start-up homing value to None [MOT-1992] - Profile Position Macro not working with higher profile values. Improvements [MOT-1988] - UART Baud rate must be saved using Comm. Password instead of General Store [MOT-1994] - Unify Voltage and Temperature polling.