Source code for ingenialink.register

from abc import ABC
from typing import Optional, Any, Tuple, Union, Dict, List

from ingenialink import exceptions as exc
from ingenialink.enums.register import REG_DTYPE, REG_ACCESS, REG_PHY, REG_ADDRESS_TYPE


dtypes_ranges: Dict[REG_DTYPE, Dict[str, Union[int, float]]] = {
    REG_DTYPE.U8: {"max": 255, "min": 0},
    REG_DTYPE.S8: {"max": 127, "min": -128},
    REG_DTYPE.U16: {"max": 65535, "min": 0},
    REG_DTYPE.S16: {"max": 32767, "min": -32767 - 1},
    REG_DTYPE.U32: {"max": 4294967295, "min": 0},
    REG_DTYPE.S32: {"max": 2147483647, "min": -2147483647 - 1},
    REG_DTYPE.U64: {"max": 18446744073709551615, "min": 0},
    REG_DTYPE.S64: {"max": 9223372036854775807, "min": 9223372036854775807 - 1},
    REG_DTYPE.FLOAT: {"max": 3.4e38, "min": -3.4e38},

[docs]class Register(ABC): """Register Base class. Args: dtype: Data type. access: Access type. identifier: Identifier. units: Units. cyclic: Cyclic typed register. phy: Physical units. subnode: Subnode. storage: Storage. reg_range: Range (min, max). labels: Register labels. enums: Enumeration registers. cat_id: Category ID. scat_id: Sub-category ID. internal_use: Internal use. address_type: Address tpye. Raises: TypeError: If any of the parameters has invalid type. ILValueError: If the register is invalid. ILAccessError: Register with wrong access type. """ def __init__( self, dtype: REG_DTYPE, access: REG_ACCESS, identifier: Optional[str] = None, units: Optional[str] = None, cyclic: str = "CONFIG", phy: REG_PHY = REG_PHY.NONE, subnode: int = 1, storage: Any = None, reg_range: Union[ Tuple[None, None], Tuple[int, int], Tuple[float, float], Tuple[str, str] ] = (None, None), labels: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, enums: Optional[List[Dict[str, Union[str, int]]]] = None, cat_id: Optional[str] = None, scat_id: Optional[str] = None, internal_use: int = 0, address_type: Optional[REG_ADDRESS_TYPE] = None, ) -> None: if labels is None: labels = {} if enums is None: enums = [] self.__type_errors(dtype, access, phy) self._dtype = dtype.value self._access = access.value self._identifier = identifier self._units = units self._cyclic = cyclic self._phy = phy.value self._subnode = subnode self._storage = storage self._range = (None, None) if not reg_range else reg_range self._labels = labels self._enums_count = len(enums) self._cat_id = cat_id self._scat_id = scat_id self._internal_use = internal_use self._storage_valid = False if not storage else True self._address_type = address_type self._enums = enums self.__config_range(reg_range) def __type_errors(self, dtype: REG_DTYPE, access: REG_ACCESS, phy: REG_PHY) -> None: if not isinstance(dtype, REG_DTYPE): raise exc.ILValueError("Invalid data type") if not isinstance(access, REG_ACCESS): raise exc.ILAccessError("Invalid access type") if not isinstance(phy, REG_PHY): raise exc.ILValueError("Invalid physical units type") def __config_range( self, reg_range: Union[Tuple[None, None], Tuple[int, int], Tuple[float, float], Tuple[str, str]], ) -> None: if self.dtype in dtypes_ranges: if self.dtype == REG_DTYPE.FLOAT: if self._storage = float( aux_range = ( float(reg_range[0]) if reg_range[0] else dtypes_ranges[self.dtype]["min"], float(reg_range[1]) if reg_range[1] else dtypes_ranges[self.dtype]["max"], ) else: if self._storage = int( aux_range = ( int(reg_range[0]) if reg_range[0] else dtypes_ranges[self.dtype]["min"], int(reg_range[1]) if reg_range[1] else dtypes_ranges[self.dtype]["max"], ) self._range = aux_range else: self._storage_valid = False @property def dtype(self) -> REG_DTYPE: """Data type of the register.""" return REG_DTYPE(self._dtype) @property def access(self) -> REG_ACCESS: """Access type of the register.""" return REG_ACCESS(self._access) @property def identifier(self) -> Optional[str]: """Register identifier.""" return self._identifier @property def units(self) -> Optional[str]: """Units of the register.""" return self._units @property def cyclic(self) -> str: """Defines if the register is cyclic.""" return self._cyclic @property def phy(self) -> REG_PHY: """Physical units of the register.""" return REG_PHY(self._phy) @property def subnode(self) -> int: """Target subnode of the register.""" return self._subnode @property def storage(self) -> Any: """Defines if the register needs to be stored.""" if not self.storage_valid: return None if self.dtype in [ REG_DTYPE.S8, REG_DTYPE.U8, REG_DTYPE.S16, REG_DTYPE.U16, REG_DTYPE.S32, REG_DTYPE.U32, REG_DTYPE.S64, REG_DTYPE.U64, REG_DTYPE.FLOAT, ]: return self._storage else: return None @storage.setter def storage(self, value: Any) -> None: """Defines if the register needs to be stored.""" self._storage = value @property def storage_valid(self) -> bool: """Defines if the register storage is valid.""" return self._storage_valid @storage_valid.setter def storage_valid(self, value: bool) -> None: """Defines if the register storage is valid.""" self._storage_valid = value @property def range( self, ) -> Union[Tuple[None, None], Tuple[int, int], Tuple[float, float], Tuple[str, str]]: """tuple: Containing the minimum and the maximum values of the register.""" if self._range: return self._range return (None, None) @property def labels(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Containing the labels of the register.""" return self._labels @property def enums(self) -> List[Dict[str, Union[str, int]]]: """Containing all the enums for the register.""" return self._enums @property def enums_count(self) -> int: """The number of the enums in the register.""" return self._enums_count @property def cat_id(self) -> Optional[str]: """Category ID""" return self._cat_id @property def scat_id(self) -> Optional[str]: """Sub-Category ID""" return self._scat_id @property def internal_use(self) -> int: """Defines if the register is only for internal uses.""" return self._internal_use @property def address_type(self) -> Optional[REG_ADDRESS_TYPE]: """Address type of the register.""" return REG_ADDRESS_TYPE(self._address_type) @property def mapped_address(self) -> int: """Register mapped address used for monitoring/disturbance.""" raise NotImplementedError()