Source code for ingenialink.ethernet.servo

import ipaddress
import socket
from typing import Optional

from ingenialink.exceptions import ILError, ILTimeoutError, ILIOError, ILWrongRegisterError
from ingenialink.constants import PASSWORD_STORE_RESTORE_TCP_IP
from ingenialink.ethernet.register import EthernetRegister
from ingenialink.constants import MCB_CMD_READ, MCB_CMD_WRITE, ETH_MAX_WRITE_SIZE, ETH_BUF_SIZE
from ingenialink.enums.register import REG_DTYPE, REG_ACCESS
from ingenialink.servo import Servo
from ingenialink.utils.mcb import MCB
from ingenialink.utils._utils import convert_ip_to_int

from ingenialink.ethernet.dictionary import EthernetDictionary

import ingenialogger

logger = ingenialogger.get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class EthernetServo(Servo): """Servo object for all the Ethernet slave functionalities. Args: socket: Socket. dictionary_path: Path to the dictionary. servo_status_listener: Toggle the listener of the servo for its status, errors, faults, etc. """ DICTIONARY_CLASS = EthernetDictionary MAX_WRITE_SIZE = ETH_MAX_WRITE_SIZE COMMS_ETH_IP = "COMMS_ETH_IP" COMMS_ETH_NET_MASK = "COMMS_ETH_NET_MASK" COMMS_ETH_NET_GATEWAY = "COMMS_ETH_GW" MONITORING_DATA = EthernetRegister( identifier="", units="", subnode=0, address=0x00B2, cyclic="CONFIG", dtype=REG_DTYPE.U16, access=REG_ACCESS.RO, ) DIST_DATA = EthernetRegister( identifier="", units="", subnode=0, address=0x00B4, cyclic="CONFIG", dtype=REG_DTYPE.U16, access=REG_ACCESS.WO, ) def __init__( self, socket: socket.socket, dictionary_path: str, servo_status_listener: bool = False ) -> None: self.socket = socket self.ip_address, self.port = self.socket.getpeername() super(EthernetServo, self).__init__(self.ip_address, dictionary_path, servo_status_listener)
[docs] def store_tcp_ip_parameters(self) -> None: """Stores the TCP/IP values. Affects IP address, subnet mask and gateway""" self.write(reg=self.STORE_COCO_ALL, data=PASSWORD_STORE_RESTORE_TCP_IP, subnode=0)"Store TCP/IP successfully done.")
[docs] def restore_tcp_ip_parameters(self) -> None: """Restores the TCP/IP values back to default. Affects IP address, subnet mask and gateway""" self.write(reg=self.RESTORE_COCO_ALL, data=PASSWORD_STORE_RESTORE_TCP_IP, subnode=0)"Restore TCP/IP successfully done.")
[docs] def change_tcp_ip_parameters(self, ip_address: str, subnet_mask: str, gateway: str) -> None: """Stores the TCP/IP values. Affects IP address, network mask and gateway .. note:: The drive needs a power cycle after this in order for the changes to be properly applied. Args: ip_address: IP Address to be changed. subnet_mask: Subnet mask to be changed. gateway: Gateway to be changed. Raises: ValueError: If the drive or gateway IP is not a valid IP address. ValueError: If the drive IP and gateway IP are not on the same network. NetmaskValueError: If the subnet_mask is not a valid netmask. """ drive_ip = ipaddress.ip_address(ip_address) gateway_ip = ipaddress.ip_address(gateway) net = ipaddress.IPv4Network(f"{drive_ip}/{subnet_mask}", strict=False) if gateway_ip not in net: raise ValueError( f"Drive IP {ip_address} and Gateway IP {gateway} are not on the same network." ) int_ip_address = convert_ip_to_int(ip_address) int_subnet_mask = convert_ip_to_int(subnet_mask) int_gateway = convert_ip_to_int(gateway) self.write(self.COMMS_ETH_IP, int_ip_address, subnode=0) self.write(self.COMMS_ETH_NET_MASK, int_subnet_mask, subnode=0) self.write(self.COMMS_ETH_NET_GATEWAY, int_gateway, subnode=0) try: self.store_tcp_ip_parameters() except ILError: self.store_parameters()
def _write_raw(self, reg: EthernetRegister, data: bytes) -> None: # type: ignore [override] self._send_mcb_frame(MCB_CMD_WRITE, reg.address, reg.subnode, data) def _read_raw(self, reg: EthernetRegister) -> bytes: # type: ignore [override] return self._send_mcb_frame(MCB_CMD_READ, reg.address, reg.subnode) def _send_mcb_frame( self, cmd: int, reg: int, subnode: int, data: Optional[bytes] = None ) -> bytes: """Send an MCB frame to the drive. Args: cmd: Read/write command. reg: Register address to be read/written. subnode: Target axis of the drive. data: Data to be written to the register. Returns: The response frame. """ frame = MCB.build_mcb_frame(cmd, subnode, reg, data) self._lock.acquire() try: try: self.socket.sendall(frame) except socket.error as e: raise ILIOError("Error sending data.") from e try: return self.__receive_mcb_frame(reg) except ILWrongRegisterError as e: logger.error(e) return self.__receive_mcb_frame(reg) finally: self._lock.release() def __receive_mcb_frame(self, reg: int) -> bytes: """Receive frame from socket and return MCB data Args: reg: expected address Returns: MCB message data in bytes Raises: ILTimeoutError: socket timeout ILIOError: socket error """ try: response = self.socket.recv(ETH_BUF_SIZE) except socket.timeout as e: raise ILTimeoutError("Timeout while receiving data.") from e except socket.error as e: raise ILIOError("Error receiving data.") from e return MCB.read_mcb_data(reg, response)