Source code for

import os
import sys
import platform
import subprocess
import inspect
import time
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Optional, Any, Callable, List, Dict
from threading import Thread

import ingenialogger

    import pysoem  # type: ignore
except ImportError as ex:
    pysoem = None
    pysoem_import_error = ex

from import Network, NET_PROT, NET_STATE, NET_DEV_EVT
from ingenialink.exceptions import ILFirmwareLoadError, ILError
from ingenialink import bin as bin_module
from ingenialink.ethercat.servo import EthercatServo
from ingenialink.constants import DEFAULT_ECAT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT

logger = ingenialogger.get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class NetStatusListener(Thread): """Network status listener thread to check if the drive is alive. Args: network: Network instance of the EtherCAT communication. """ def __init__(self, network: "EthercatNetwork", refresh_time: float = 0.25): super(NetStatusListener, self).__init__() self.__network = network self.__refresh_time = refresh_time self.__stop = False self._ecat_master = self.__network._ecat_master
[docs] def run(self) -> None: while not self.__stop: self._ecat_master.read_state() for servo in self.__network.servos: slave_id = servo.slave_id servo_state = self.__network._get_servo_state(slave_id) slave_is_alive = servo.slave.state == pysoem.NONE_STATE if servo_state == NET_STATE.CONNECTED and slave_is_alive: self.__network._notify_status(slave_id, NET_DEV_EVT.REMOVED) self.__network._set_servo_state(slave_id, NET_STATE.DISCONNECTED) if servo_state == NET_STATE.DISCONNECTED and not slave_is_alive: self.__network._notify_status(slave_id, NET_DEV_EVT.ADDED) self.__network._set_servo_state(slave_id, NET_STATE.CONNECTED) time.sleep(self.__refresh_time)
def stop(self) -> None: self.__stop = True
[docs]class EthercatNetwork(Network): """Network for all EtherCAT communications. Args: interface_name: Interface name to be targeted. connection_timeout: Time in seconds of the connection timeout. Raises: ImportError: WinPcap is not installed """ FOE_APPLICATION = {"win32": {"64bit": "FoE/win_64x/FoEUpdateFirmware.exe"}} FOE_ERRORS = { 1: "Can’t read the input file.", 2: "ECAT slave can’t reach the BOOT mode.", 3: "No ECAT slave detected", 4: "Can’t initialize the network adapter", 5: "Drive can't init. Ensure the FW file is right", } UNKNOWN_FOE_ERROR = "Unknown error" def __init__( self, interface_name: str, connection_timeout: float = DEFAULT_ECAT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT ): if not pysoem: raise pysoem_import_error super(EthercatNetwork, self).__init__() self.interface_name: str = interface_name self.servos: List[EthercatServo] = [] self.__servos_state: Dict[int, NET_STATE] = {} self.__listener_net_status: Optional[NetStatusListener] = None self.__observers_net_state: Dict[int, List[Any]] = defaultdict(list) self._ecat_master: pysoem.CdefMaster = pysoem.Master() self._ecat_master.sdo_read_timeout = int(1_000_000 * connection_timeout) self._ecat_master.sdo_write_timeout = int(1_000_000 * connection_timeout) self.__is_master_running = False
[docs] def scan_slaves(self) -> List[int]: """Scans for nodes in the network. Returns: List containing all the detected node IDs. """ self._start_master() nodes = self._ecat_master.config_init() return list(range(1, nodes + 1))
[docs] def connect_to_slave( # type: ignore [override] self, slave_id: int, dictionary: str, servo_status_listener: bool = False, net_status_listener: bool = False, ) -> EthercatServo: """Connects to a drive through a given slave number. Args: slave_id: Targeted slave to be connected. dictionary: Path to the dictionary file. servo_status_listener: Toggle the listener of the servo for its status, errors, faults, etc. net_status_listener: Toggle the listener of the network status, connection and disconnection. Raises: ValueError: If the slave ID is not valid. ILError: If no slaves are found. """ if not isinstance(slave_id, int) or slave_id < 0: raise ValueError("Invalid slave ID value") slaves = self.scan_slaves() if len(slaves) == 0: raise ILError("Could not find any slaves in the network.") if slave_id not in slaves: raise (ILError(f"Slave {slave_id} was not found.")) slave = self._ecat_master.slaves[slave_id - 1] servo = EthercatServo(slave, slave_id, dictionary, servo_status_listener) self.servos.append(servo) self._set_servo_state(slave_id, NET_STATE.CONNECTED) if net_status_listener: self.start_status_listener() return servo
[docs] def disconnect_from_slave(self, servo: EthercatServo) -> None: # type: ignore [override] """Disconnects the slave from the network. Args: servo: Instance of the servo connected. """ servo.stop_status_listener() self.servos.remove(servo) if not self.servos: self.stop_status_listener() self._ecat_master.close() self.__is_master_running = False
[docs] def subscribe_to_status( # type: ignore [override] self, slave_id: int, callback: Callable[[str, NET_DEV_EVT], None] ) -> None: """Subscribe to network state changes. Args: slave_id: Slave ID of the drive to subscribe. callback: Callback function. """ if callback in self.__observers_net_state[slave_id]:"Callback already subscribed.") return self.__observers_net_state[slave_id].append(callback)
[docs] def unsubscribe_from_status( # type: ignore [override] self, slave_id: int, callback: Callable[[str, NET_DEV_EVT], None] ) -> None: """Unsubscribe from network state changes. Args: slave_id: Slave ID of the drive to subscribe. callback: Callback function. """ if callback not in self.__observers_net_state[slave_id]:"Callback not subscribed.") return self.__observers_net_state[slave_id].remove(callback)
[docs] def start_status_listener(self) -> None: # type: ignore [override] """Start monitoring network events (CONNECTION/DISCONNECTION).""" if self.__listener_net_status is None: listener = NetStatusListener(self) listener.start() self.__listener_net_status = listener
[docs] def stop_status_listener(self) -> None: # type: ignore [override] """Stops the NetStatusListener from listening to the drive.""" if self.__listener_net_status is not None: self.__listener_net_status.stop() self.__listener_net_status.join() self.__listener_net_status = None
[docs] def load_firmware(self, fw_file: str, slave_id: int = 1) -> None: # type: ignore [override] """Loads a given firmware file to a target slave. Args: fw_file: Path to the firmware file. slave_id: Slave ID to which load the firmware file. Raises: FileNotFoundError: If the firmware file cannot be found. ILFirmwareLoadError: If no slave is detected. ILFirmwareLoadError: If the FoE write operation is not successful. NotImplementedError: If FoE is not implemented for the current OS and architecture """ if not os.path.isfile(fw_file): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Could not find {fw_file}.") arch = platform.architecture()[0] sys_name = sys.platform app_path = self.FOE_APPLICATION.get(sys_name, {}).get(arch, None) if app_path is None: raise NotImplementedError( "Load FW by ECAT is not implemented for this OS and architecture:" f" {sys_name} {arch}" ) exec_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(bin_module)), app_path) logger.debug(f"Call FoE application for {sys_name}-{arch}") try: [exec_path, self.interface_name, f"{slave_id}", fw_file], check=True, shell=True, encoding="utf-8", ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: foe_return_error = self.FOE_ERRORS.get(e.returncode, self.UNKNOWN_FOE_ERROR) raise ILFirmwareLoadError( f"The firmware file could not be loaded correctly. {foe_return_error}" ) from e"Firmware updated successfully")
def _start_master(self) -> None: """Start the EtherCAT master if it has not been already started.""" if not self.__is_master_running: self.__is_master_running = True @property def protocol(self) -> NET_PROT: """NET_PROT: Obtain network protocol.""" return NET_PROT.ECAT def _get_servo_state(self, slave_id: int) -> NET_STATE: return self.__servos_state[slave_id] def _set_servo_state(self, slave_id: int, state: NET_STATE) -> None: self.__servos_state[slave_id] = state def _notify_status(self, slave_id: int, status: NET_DEV_EVT) -> None: """Notify subscribers of a network state change.""" for callback in self.__observers_net_state[slave_id]: callback(status)