Source code for ingenialink.dictionary

from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Union, Tuple
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from pathlib import Path

import ingenialogger

from ingenialink.constants import SINGLE_AXIS_MINIMUM_SUBNODES
from ingenialink.register import Register, REG_DTYPE, REG_ACCESS, REG_ADDRESS_TYPE
from ingenialink import exceptions as exc

logger = ingenialogger.get_logger(__name__)

# Dictionary constants guide:
# Each constant has this structure: DICT_ORIGIN_END
# ORIGIN: The start point of the path
# END: The end point of the path
DICT_LABELS = "./Labels"

[docs]class DictionaryCategories: """Contains all categories from a Dictionary. Args: list_xdf_categories: List of Elements from xdf file """ def __init__(self, list_xdf_categories: List[ET.Element]) -> None: self._list_xdf_categories = list_xdf_categories self._cat_ids: List[str] = [] self._categories: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] = {} self.load_cat_ids()
[docs] def load_cat_ids(self) -> None: """Load category IDs from dictionary.""" for element in self._list_xdf_categories: self._cat_ids.append(element.attrib["id"]) cat_element = element.find(DICT_LABELS_LABEL) if cat_element is None: logger.warning( f"The element of the category {element.attrib['id']} could not be load" ) continue cat_id = cat_element.text if cat_id is None: logger.warning(f"The ID of the category {element.attrib['id']} could not be load") continue self._categories[element.attrib["id"]] = {"en_US": cat_id}
@property def category_ids(self) -> List[str]: """Category IDs.""" return self._cat_ids
[docs] def labels(self, cat_id: str) -> Dict[str, str]: """Obtain labels for a certain category ID. Args: cat_id: Category ID Returns: Labels dictionary. """ return self._categories[cat_id]
[docs]class DictionaryErrors: """Errors for the dictionary. Args: list_xdf_errors: List of Elements from xdf file """ def __init__(self, list_xdf_errors: List[ET.Element]) -> None: self._list_xdf_errors = list_xdf_errors self._errors: Dict[int, List[Optional[str]]] = {} self.load_errors()
[docs] def load_errors(self) -> None: """Load errors from dictionary.""" for element in self._list_xdf_errors: label = element.find(DICT_LABELS_LABEL) if label is None: logger.warning(f"Could not load label of error {element.attrib['id']}") continue self._errors[int(element.attrib["id"], 16)] = [ element.attrib["id"], element.attrib["affected_module"], element.attrib["error_type"].capitalize(), label.text, ]
@property def errors(self) -> Dict[int, List[Optional[str]]]: """Get the errors dictionary. Returns: Errors dictionary. """ return self._errors
[docs]class Dictionary(ABC): """Ingenia dictionary Abstract Base Class. Args: dictionary_path: Dictionary file path. Raises: ILCreationError: If the dictionary could not be created. """ # Dictionary constants guide: # Each constant has this structure: DICT_ORIGIN_END # ORIGIN: The start point of the path # END: The end point of the path # ORIGIN: ROOT DICT_ROOT = "." DICT_ROOT_HEADER = f"{DICT_ROOT}/Header" DICT_ROOT_VERSION = f"{DICT_ROOT_HEADER}/Version" DICT_ROOT_BODY = f"{DICT_ROOT}/Body" DICT_ROOT_DEVICE = f"{DICT_ROOT_BODY}/Device" DICT_ROOT_CATEGORIES = f"{DICT_ROOT_DEVICE}/Categories" DICT_ROOT_CATEGORY = f"{DICT_ROOT_CATEGORIES}/Category" DICT_ROOT_ERRORS = f"{DICT_ROOT_BODY}/Errors" DICT_ROOT_ERROR = f"{DICT_ROOT_ERRORS}/Error" DICT_ROOT_AXES = f"{DICT_ROOT_DEVICE}/Axes" DICT_ROOT_AXIS = f"{DICT_ROOT_AXES}/Axis" DICT_ROOT_REGISTERS = f"{DICT_ROOT_DEVICE}/Registers" DICT_ROOT_REGISTER = f"{DICT_ROOT_REGISTERS}/Register" # ORIGIN: REGISTERS DICT_REGISTERS = "./Registers" DICT_REGISTERS_REGISTER = f"{DICT_REGISTERS}/Register" # ORIGIN: RANGE DICT_RANGE = "./Range" # ORIGIN: ENUMERATIONS DICT_ENUMERATIONS = "./Enumerations" DICT_ENUMERATIONS_ENUMERATION = f"{DICT_ENUMERATIONS}/Enum" DICT_IMAGE = "DriveImage" DICT_MOCO_IMAGE_ATTRIB = "moco" dtype_xdf_options = { "float": REG_DTYPE.FLOAT, "s8": REG_DTYPE.S8, "u8": REG_DTYPE.U8, "s16": REG_DTYPE.S16, "u16": REG_DTYPE.U16, "s32": REG_DTYPE.S32, "u32": REG_DTYPE.U32, "s64": REG_DTYPE.S64, "u64": REG_DTYPE.U64, "str": REG_DTYPE.STR, } access_xdf_options = {"r": REG_ACCESS.RO, "w": REG_ACCESS.WO, "rw": REG_ACCESS.RW} address_type_xdf_options = { "NVM": REG_ADDRESS_TYPE.NVM, "NVM_NONE": REG_ADDRESS_TYPE.NVM_NONE, "NVM_CFG": REG_ADDRESS_TYPE.NVM_CFG, "NVM_LOCK": REG_ADDRESS_TYPE.NVM_LOCK, "NVM_HW": REG_ADDRESS_TYPE.NVM_HW, } def __init__(self, dictionary_path: str) -> None: self.path = dictionary_path """Path of the dictionary.""" self.version = "1" """Version of the dictionary.""" self.firmware_version: Optional[str] = None """Firmware version declared in the dictionary.""" self.product_code: Optional[int] = None """Product code declared in the dictionary.""" self.part_number: Optional[str] = None """Part number declared in the dictionary.""" self.revision_number: Optional[int] = None """Revision number declared in the dictionary.""" self.interface: Optional[str] = None """Interface declared in the dictionary.""" self.subnodes: int = SINGLE_AXIS_MINIMUM_SUBNODES """Number of subnodes in the dictionary.""" self.categories: Optional[DictionaryCategories] = None """Instance of all the categories in the dictionary.""" self.errors: Optional[DictionaryErrors] = None """Instance of all the errors in the dictionary.""" self._registers: List[Dict[str, Register]] = [] """Instance of all the registers in the dictionary""" self.image: Optional[str] = None """Drive's encoded image.""" self.moco_image: Optional[str] = None """Motion CORE encoded image. Only available when using a COM-KIT.""" self.read_dictionary()
[docs] def registers(self, subnode: int) -> Dict[str, Register]: """Gets the register dictionary to the targeted subnode. Args: subnode: Identifier for the subnode. Returns: Dictionary of all the registers for a subnode. """ return self._registers[subnode]
[docs] def read_dictionary(self) -> None: """Reads the dictionary file and initializes all its components.""" try: with open(self.path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as xdf_file: tree = ET.parse(xdf_file) except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNotFoundError(f"There is not any xdf file in the path: {self.path}") root = tree.getroot() device = root.find(self.DICT_ROOT_DEVICE) if device is None: raise exc.ILError( f"Could not load the dictionary {self.path}. Device information is missing" ) # Subnodes if root.findall(self.DICT_ROOT_AXES): self.subnodes = len(root.findall(self.DICT_ROOT_AXIS)) for _ in range(self.subnodes): self._registers.append({}) # Categories list_xdf_categories = root.findall(self.DICT_ROOT_CATEGORY) self.categories = DictionaryCategories(list_xdf_categories) # Errors list_xdf_errors = root.findall(self.DICT_ROOT_ERROR) self.errors = DictionaryErrors(list_xdf_errors) # Version version_node = root.find(self.DICT_ROOT_VERSION) if version_node is not None and version_node.text is not None: self.version = version_node.text self.firmware_version = device.attrib.get("firmwareVersion") product_code = device.attrib.get("ProductCode") if product_code is not None and product_code.isdecimal(): self.product_code = int(product_code) self.part_number = device.attrib.get("PartNumber") revision_number = device.attrib.get("RevisionNumber") if revision_number is not None and revision_number.isdecimal(): self.revision_number = int(revision_number) self.interface = device.attrib.get("Interface") if root.findall(self.DICT_ROOT_AXES): # For each axis for axis in root.findall(self.DICT_ROOT_AXIS): for register in axis.findall(self.DICT_REGISTERS_REGISTER): current_read_register = self._read_xdf_register(register) if current_read_register: self._add_register_list(current_read_register) else: for register in root.findall(self.DICT_ROOT_REGISTER): current_read_register = self._read_xdf_register(register) if current_read_register: self._add_register_list(current_read_register) try: images = root.findall(self.DICT_IMAGE) for image in images: if image.text is not None and image.text.strip(): if ( "type" in image.attrib and image.attrib["type"] == self.DICT_MOCO_IMAGE_ATTRIB ): self.moco_image = image.text else: self.image = image.text except AttributeError: logger.error(f"Dictionary {Path(self.path).name} has no image section.") # Closing xdf file xdf_file.close()
def _read_xdf_register(self, register: ET.Element) -> Optional[Register]: """Reads a register from the dictionary and creates a Register instance. Args: register: Register instance from the dictionary. Returns: The current register which it has been reading None: When at least a mandatory attribute is not in a xdf file Raises: KeyError: If the register doesn't have an identifier. ValueError: If the register data type is invalid. ValueError: If the register access type is invalid. ValueError: If the register address type is invalid. KeyError: If some attribute is missing. """ try: identifier = register.attrib["id"] except KeyError as ke: logger.error(f"The register doesn't have an identifier. Error caught: {ke}") return None try: units = register.attrib["units"] cyclic = register.attrib.get("cyclic", "CONFIG") # Data type dtype_aux = register.attrib["dtype"] dtype = None if dtype_aux in self.dtype_xdf_options: dtype = self.dtype_xdf_options[dtype_aux] else: raise ValueError( f"The data type {dtype_aux} does not exist for the register: {identifier}" ) # Access type access_aux = register.attrib["access"] access = None if access_aux in self.access_xdf_options: access = self.access_xdf_options[access_aux] else: raise ValueError( f"The access type {access_aux} does not exist for the register: {identifier}" ) # Address type address_type_aux = register.attrib["address_type"] if address_type_aux in self.address_type_xdf_options: address_type = self.address_type_xdf_options[address_type_aux] else: raise ValueError( f"The address type {address_type_aux} does not exist for the register: " f"{identifier}" ) subnode = int(register.attrib.get("subnode", 1)) storage = register.attrib.get("storage") cat_id = register.attrib.get("cat_id") internal_use = int(register.attrib.get("internal_use", 0)) # Labels labels_elem = register.findall(DICT_LABELS_LABEL) labels = {label.attrib["lang"]: str(label.text) for label in labels_elem} # Range range_elem = register.find(self.DICT_RANGE) reg_range: Union[Tuple[None, None], Tuple[str, str]] = (None, None) if range_elem is not None: range_min = range_elem.attrib["min"] range_max = range_elem.attrib["max"] reg_range = (range_min, range_max) # Enumerations enums_elem = register.findall(self.DICT_ENUMERATIONS_ENUMERATION) enums = [] for enum in enums_elem: dictionary: Dict[str, Union[str, int]] = { "label": str(enum.text), "value": int(enum.attrib["value"]), } enums.append(dictionary) current_read_register = Register( dtype, access, identifier=identifier, units=units, cyclic=cyclic, subnode=subnode, storage=storage, reg_range=reg_range, labels=labels, enums=enums, cat_id=cat_id, internal_use=internal_use, address_type=address_type, ) return current_read_register except KeyError as ke: logger.error(f"Register with ID {identifier} has not attribute {ke}") return None def _add_register_list( self, register: Register, ) -> None: """Adds the current read register into the _registers list Args: register: the current read register it will be instanced """ identifier = register.identifier subnode = register.subnode if identifier is None: return self._registers[subnode][identifier] = register