Source code for

import ftplib

from .servo import EthernetServo
from ingenialink.constants import *
from .._ingenialink import lib, ffi
from ingenialink.utils.udp import UDP
from ingenialink.utils._utils import *
from import IPBNetwork
from ingenialink.exceptions import ILFirmwareLoadError

from ftplib import FTP
from time import sleep

import os
import ingenialogger
logger = ingenialogger.get_logger(__name__)



[docs]class EthernetNetwork(IPBNetwork): """Network for all Ethernet communications.""" def __init__(self): super(EthernetNetwork, self).__init__()
[docs] @staticmethod def load_firmware(fw_file, target="", ftp_user="", ftp_pwd=""): """Loads a given firmware file to the target slave. .. warning :: It is needed to disconnect the drive(:func:`disconnect_from_slave`) after loading the firmware since the `Servo` object's data will become obsolete. Args: fw_file (str): Path to the firmware file to be loaded. target (str): IP of the target slave. ftp_user (str): FTP user to connect with. ftp_pwd (str): FTP password for the given user. Raises: ILError: If the loading firmware process fails. """ if not os.path.isfile(fw_file): raise FileNotFoundError('Could not find {}.'.format(fw_file)) try: file = open(fw_file, 'rb') ftp_output = None ftp = FTP() # Start a FTP session. Drive must be in BOOT mode."Starting FTP session...") ftp_output = ftp.connect(target) if FTP_SESSION_OK_CODE not in ftp_output: raise_err("Unable to open FTP session") # Login into FTP session."Logging into FTP session...") ftp_output = ftp.login(ftp_user, ftp_pwd) if FTP_LOGIN_OK_CODE not in ftp_output: raise_err("Unable to login the FTP session") # Load file through FTP."Uploading firmware file...") ftp.set_pasv(False) ftp_output = ftp.storbinary( "STOR {}".format(os.path.basename(, file) if FTP_FILE_TRANSFER_OK_CODE not in ftp_output: raise_err("Unable to load the FW file through FTP") # Close FTP session."Closing FTP session...") ftp.close() # Close the temporal file file.close() except Exception as e: logger.error(e) raise ILFirmwareLoadError('Error during bootloader process.')
[docs] @staticmethod def load_firmware_moco(node, subnode, ip, port, moco_file): """Update MOCO firmware through UDP protocol. Args: node: Network node. subnode: Drive subnode. ip: Drive address IP. port: Drive port. moco_file: Path to the firmware file. Returns: int: Result code. Raises: ILFirmwareLoadError: The firmware load process fails with an error message. """ r = 0 upd = UDP(port, ip) if not moco_file or not os.path.isfile(moco_file): raise ILFirmwareLoadError('File not found') moco_in = open(moco_file, "r")"Loading firmware...") try: for line in moco_in: words = line.split() # Get command and address cmd = int(words[1] + words[0], 16) data = b'' data_start_byte = 2 while data_start_byte in range(data_start_byte, len(words)): # Load UDP data data += bytes([int(words[data_start_byte], 16)]) data_start_byte += 1 # Send message upd.raw_cmd(node, subnode, cmd, data) if cmd == CMD_CHANGE_CPU: sleep(1)"Bootload process succeeded") except ftplib.error_temp as e: logger.error(e) raise ILFirmwareLoadError('Firewall might be blocking the access.') except Exception as e: logger.error(e) raise ILFirmwareLoadError('Error during bootloader process.')
def scan_slaves(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def connect_to_slave(self, target, dictionary=None, port=1061, communication_protocol=NET_TRANS_PROT.UDP, reconnection_retries=DEFAULT_MESSAGE_RETRIES, reconnection_timeout=DEFAULT_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT, servo_status_listener=False, net_status_listener=False): """Connects to a slave through the given network settings. Args: target (str): IP of the target slave. dictionary (str): Path to the target dictionary file. port (int): Port to connect to the slave. communication_protocol (NET_TRANS_PROT): Communication protocol, UPD or TCP. reconnection_retries (int): Number of reconnection retried before declaring a connected or disconnected stated. reconnection_timeout (int): Time in ms of the reconnection timeout. servo_status_listener (bool): Toggle the listener of the servo for its status, errors, faults, etc. net_status_listener (bool): Toggle the listener of the network status, connection and disconnection. Returns: EthernetServo: Instance of the servo connected. """ net__ ='il_net_t **') servo__ ='il_servo_t **') _dictionary = cstr(dictionary) if dictionary else ffi.NULL _target = cstr(target) if target else ffi.NULL r = lib.il_servo_lucky_eth(NET_PROT.ETH.value, net__, servo__, _dictionary, _target, port, communication_protocol.value) raise_err(r) net_ = ffi.cast('il_net_t *', net__[0]) servo_ = ffi.cast('il_servo_t *', servo__[0]) self._create_cffi_network(net_) servo = EthernetServo(servo_, self._cffi_network, target, port, communication_protocol, dictionary, servo_status_listener) self.servos.append(servo) if net_status_listener: self.start_status_listener() else: self.stop_status_listener() self.set_reconnection_retries(reconnection_retries) self.set_recv_timeout(reconnection_timeout) return servo
[docs] def disconnect_from_slave(self, servo): """Disconnects the slave from the network. Args: servo (EthernetServo): Instance of the servo connected. """ # TODO: This stops all connections no only the target servo. self.servos.remove(servo) if len(self.servos) == 0: self.stop_status_listener() lib.il_net_mon_stop(self._cffi_network) self.close_socket() self._cffi_network = None
@property def protocol(self): """NET_PROT: Obtain network protocol.""" return NET_PROT.ETH