Source code for

from enum import Enum
from ..exceptions import *
from import NET_PROT
from .servo import EthercatServo
from ingenialink.constants import *
from .._ingenialink import lib, ffi
from ingenialink.utils._utils import cstr
from import IPBNetwork

import os
import ingenialogger
logger = ingenialogger.get_logger(__name__)

    lib.UP_STATEMACHINE_ERROR: 'Slave could not enter the expected state',
    lib.UP_NOT_IN_BOOT_ERROR: 'Slave is not in Boot Mode',
    lib.UP_EEPROM_FILE_ERROR: 'File was not read properly',
    lib.UP_NOT_FOUND_ERROR: 'No slaves were found',
    lib.UP_NO_SOCKET: 'No socket connection was found. Execute as Root',
    lib.UP_FORCE_BOOT_ERROR: 'Could not force Boot mode',

    lib.SOEM_EC_ERR_TYPE_SDO_ERROR: 'EtherCAT Error. SDO error',
    lib.SOEM_EC_ERR_TYPE_EMERGENCY: 'EtherCAT Error. Emergency error',
    lib.SOEM_EC_ERR_TYPE_PACKET_ERROR: 'EtherCAT Error. Packet error',
    lib.SOEM_EC_ERR_TYPE_SDOINFO_ERROR: 'EtherCAT Error. SDO Info error',
    lib.SOEM_EC_ERR_TYPE_FOE_ERROR: 'EtherCAT Error. FOE error',
    lib.SOEM_EC_ERR_TYPE_FOE_BUF2SMALL: 'EtherCAT Error. Buffer too small error',
    lib.SOEM_EC_ERR_TYPE_FOE_PACKETNUMBER: 'EtherCAT Error. FOE Packet number error',
    lib.SOEM_EC_ERR_TYPE_SOE_ERROR: 'EtherCAT Error. SOE error',
    lib.SOEM_EC_ERR_TYPE_MBX_ERROR: 'EtherCAT Error. MBX error',
    lib.SOEM_EC_ERR_TYPE_FOE_FILE_NOTFOUND: 'EtherCAT Error. FOE File not found error',
    lib.SOEM_EC_ERR_TYPE_EOE_INVALID_RX_DATA: 'EtherCAT Error. Invalid RX Data error'

[docs]class EthercatNetwork(IPBNetwork): """Network for all EtherCAT communications. Args: interface_name (str): Interface name to be targeted. """ def __init__(self, interface_name): super(EthercatNetwork, self).__init__() self.interface_name = interface_name """str: Interface name used in the network settings."""
[docs] def load_firmware(self, fw_file, target=1, boot_in_app=True): """Loads a given firmware file to a target. .. warning:: Choose the ``boot_in_app`` flag accordingly to your servo specifications otherwise the servo could enter a blocking state. .. warning :: It is needed to disconnect the drive(:func:`disconnect_from_slave`) after loading the firmware since the `Servo` object's data will become obsolete. Args: target (int): Targeted node ID to be loaded. fw_file (str): Path to the firmware file. boot_in_app (bool): If summit series -> True. If capitan series -> False. If custom device -> Contact manufacturer. Raises: ILFirmwareLoadError: The firmware load process fails with an error message. """ if not os.path.isfile(fw_file): raise FileNotFoundError('Could not find {}.'.format(fw_file)) self._cffi_network ='il_net_t **') _interface_name = cstr(self.interface_name) \ if self.interface_name else ffi.NULL _fw_file = cstr(fw_file) if fw_file else ffi.NULL r = lib.il_net_update_firmware( self._cffi_network, _interface_name, target, _fw_file, boot_in_app) if r < 0: error_msg = 'Error updating firmware. Error code: {}'.format(r) if r in FIRMWARE_UPDATE_ERROR: error_msg = FIRMWARE_UPDATE_ERROR[r] raise ILFirmwareLoadError(error_msg)
def _read_eeprom(self, eeprom_file, slave, file_format): """Reads the EEPROM. Args: eeprom_file (str): Path to the EEPROM file. slave (int): Target slave number to be connected file_format (EEPROM_FILE_FORMAT): EEPROM tool mode. Raises: ILError: In case the operation does not succeed. """ if file_format not in EEPROM_FILE_FORMAT: raise ILError('Invalid file format') if file_format == EEPROM_FILE_FORMAT.BINARY: mode = EEPROM_TOOL_MODE.MODE_READBIN.value else: mode = EEPROM_TOOL_MODE.MODE_READINTEL.value self._cffi_network ='il_net_t **') _interface_name = cstr(self.interface_name) if self.interface_name else ffi.NULL _eeprom_file = cstr(eeprom_file) if eeprom_file else ffi.NULL r = lib.il_net_eeprom_tool( self._cffi_network, _interface_name, slave, mode, _eeprom_file) if r < 0: raise ILError('Failed reading EEPROM file.') def _write_eeprom(self, eeprom_file, slave, file_format): """Loads an EEPROM file to use as configuration. Args: eeprom_file (str): Path to the EEPROM file. slave (int): Target slave number to be connected file_format (EEPROM_FILE_FORMAT): EEPROM tool mode. Raises: ILError: In case the operation does not succeed. """ if file_format not in EEPROM_FILE_FORMAT: raise ILError('Invalid file format') if file_format == EEPROM_FILE_FORMAT.BINARY: mode = EEPROM_TOOL_MODE.MODE_WRITEBIN.value else: mode = EEPROM_TOOL_MODE.MODE_WRITEINTEL.value self._cffi_network ='il_net_t **') _interface_name = cstr(self.interface_name) if self.interface_name else ffi.NULL _eeprom_file = cstr(eeprom_file) if eeprom_file else ffi.NULL r = lib.il_net_eeprom_tool( self._cffi_network, _interface_name, slave, mode, _eeprom_file) if r < 0: raise ILError('Failed writing EEPROM file.') def _write_eeprom_alias(self, eeprom_file, slave): """Writes the configuration station alias. Args: eeprom_file (str): Path to the EEPROM file. slave (int): Target slave number to be connected Raises: ILError: In case the operation does not succeed. """ self._cffi_network ='il_net_t **') _interface_name = cstr(self.interface_name) if self.interface_name else ffi.NULL _eeprom_file = cstr(eeprom_file) if eeprom_file else ffi.NULL r = lib.il_net_eeprom_tool( self._cffi_network, _interface_name, slave, EEPROM_TOOL_MODE.MODE_WRITEALIAS.value, _eeprom_file) if r < 0: raise ILError('Failed writing EEPROM alias.')
[docs] def scan_slaves(self): """Scan all the slaves connected in the network. Returns: list: List of number of slaves connected to the network. """ _interface_name = cstr(self.interface_name) \ if self.interface_name else ffi.NULL number_slaves = lib.il_net_num_slaves_get(_interface_name) return [slave + 1 for slave in range(number_slaves)]
[docs] def connect_to_slave(self, target=1, dictionary="", use_eoe_comms=1, reconnection_retries=DEFAULT_MESSAGE_RETRIES, reconnection_timeout=DEFAULT_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT, servo_status_listener=False, net_status_listener=False): """Connect a slave through an EtherCAT connection. Args: target (int): Number of the target slave. dictionary (str): Path to the dictionary to be loaded. use_eoe_comms (int): Specify which architecture is the target based on. reconnection_retries (int): Number of reconnection retried before declaring a connected or disconnected stated. reconnection_timeout (int): Time in ms of the reconnection timeout. servo_status_listener (bool): Toggle the listener of the servo for its status, errors, faults, etc. net_status_listener (bool): Toggle the listener of the network status, connection and disconnection. Returns: EthercatServo: Instance of the connected servo. """ _interface_name = cstr(self.interface_name) \ if self.interface_name else ffi.NULL _dictionary = cstr(dictionary) if dictionary else ffi.NULL _servo ='il_servo_t **') self._cffi_network ='il_net_t **') r = lib.il_servo_connect_ecat(3, _interface_name, self._cffi_network, _servo, _dictionary, 1061, target, use_eoe_comms) if r <= 0: _servo = None self._cffi_network = None raise ILError('Could not find any servos connected.') net_ = ffi.cast('il_net_t *', self._cffi_network[0]) servo_ = ffi.cast('il_servo_t *', _servo[0]) servo = EthercatServo(servo_, net_, target, dictionary, servo_status_listener) self._cffi_network = net_ self.servos.append(servo) if net_status_listener: self.start_status_listener() self.set_reconnection_retries(reconnection_retries) self.set_recv_timeout(reconnection_timeout) return servo
[docs] def disconnect_from_slave(self, servo): """Disconnects the slave from the network. Args: servo (EthernetServo): Instance of the servo connected. """ # TODO: This stops all connections no only the target servo. if servo in self.servos: self.servos.remove(servo) self.stop_status_listener() lib.il_servo_destroy(servo._cffi_servo) r = lib.il_net_master_stop(self._cffi_network) lib.il_net_destroy(self._cffi_network) self._cffi_network = None if r < 0: raise ILError('Error disconnecting the drive. ' 'Return code: {}'.format(r))
@property def protocol(self): """NET_PROT: Obtain network protocol.""" return NET_PROT.ECAT