Source code for ingenialink.canopen.servo

import os
import time
import threading
import canopen
import struct
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

from .constants import *
from ..constants import *
from ..exceptions import *
from .._ingenialink import lib
from ingenialink.utils._utils import *
from ..servo import SERVO_STATE, Servo
from .dictionary import CanopenDictionary
from .register import CanopenRegister, REG_DTYPE, REG_ACCESS

import ingenialogger
logger = ingenialogger.get_logger(__name__)


    0: CanopenRegister(
        identifier='', units='', subnode=0, idx=0x5EE1, subidx=0x00,
        cyclic='CONFIG', dtype=REG_DTYPE.U32, access=REG_ACCESS.RO
    1: CanopenRegister(
        identifier='', units='', subnode=1, idx=0x26E1, subidx=0x00,
        cyclic='CONFIG', dtype=REG_DTYPE.U32, access=REG_ACCESS.RO

    0: CanopenRegister(
        identifier='', units='', subnode=0, idx=0x5EE6, subidx=0x00,
        cyclic='CONFIG', dtype=REG_DTYPE.U32, access=REG_ACCESS.RO
    1: CanopenRegister(
        identifier='', units='', subnode=1, idx=0x26E6, subidx=0x00,
        cyclic='CONFIG', dtype=REG_DTYPE.U32, access=REG_ACCESS.RO

    0: CanopenRegister(
        identifier='', units='', subnode=0, idx=0x5EE4, subidx=0x00,
        cyclic='CONFIG', dtype=REG_DTYPE.STR, access=REG_ACCESS.RO
    1: CanopenRegister(
        identifier='', units='', subnode=1, idx=0x26E4, subidx=0x00,
        cyclic='CONFIG', dtype=REG_DTYPE.STR, access=REG_ACCESS.RO

    0: CanopenRegister(
        identifier='', units='', subnode=0, idx=0x5EE2, subidx=0x00,
        cyclic='CONFIG', dtype=REG_DTYPE.U32, access=REG_ACCESS.RO
    1: CanopenRegister(
        identifier='', units='', subnode=1, idx=0x26E2, subidx=0x00,
        cyclic='CONFIG', dtype=REG_DTYPE.U32, access=REG_ACCESS.RO

    1: CanopenRegister(
        identifier='', units='', subnode=1, idx=0x6041, subidx=0x00,
        cyclic='CYCLIC_TX', dtype=REG_DTYPE.U16, access=REG_ACCESS.RO
    2: CanopenRegister(
        identifier='', units='', subnode=2, idx=0x6841, subidx=0x00,
        cyclic='CYCLIC_TX', dtype=REG_DTYPE.U16, access=REG_ACCESS.RO
    3: CanopenRegister(
        identifier='', units='', subnode=3, idx=0x7041, subidx=0x00,
        cyclic='CYCLIC_TX', dtype=REG_DTYPE.U16, access=REG_ACCESS.RO

    1: CanopenRegister(
        identifier='', units='', subnode=1, idx=0x2010, subidx=0x00,
        cyclic='CYCLIC_RX', dtype=REG_DTYPE.U16, access=REG_ACCESS.RW
    2: CanopenRegister(
        identifier='', units='', subnode=2, idx=0x2810, subidx=0x00,
        cyclic='CYCLIC_RX', dtype=REG_DTYPE.U16, access=REG_ACCESS.RW
    3: CanopenRegister(
        identifier='', units='', subnode=3, idx=0x3010, subidx=0x00,
        cyclic='CYCLIC_RX', dtype=REG_DTYPE.U16, access=REG_ACCESS.RW

STORE_COCO_ALL = CanopenRegister(
    identifier='', units='', subnode=0, idx=0x1010, subidx=0x01, cyclic='CONFIG',
    dtype=REG_DTYPE.U32, access=REG_ACCESS.RW

RESTORE_COCO_ALL = CanopenRegister(
    identifier='', units='', subnode=0, idx=0x1011, subidx=0x01, cyclic='CONFIG',
    dtype=REG_DTYPE.U32, access=REG_ACCESS.RW

    1: CanopenRegister(
        identifier='', units='', subnode=1, idx=0x26DB, subidx=0x00,
        cyclic='CONFIG', dtype=REG_DTYPE.U32, access=REG_ACCESS.RW
    2: CanopenRegister(
        identifier='', units='', subnode=2, idx=0x2EDB, subidx=0x00,
        cyclic='CONFIG', dtype=REG_DTYPE.U32, access=REG_ACCESS.RW
    3: CanopenRegister(
        identifier='', units='', subnode=3, idx=0x36DB, subidx=0x00,
        cyclic='CONFIG', dtype=REG_DTYPE.U32, access=REG_ACCESS.RW

    1: CanopenRegister(
        identifier='', units='', subnode=1, idx=0x26DC, subidx=0x00,
        cyclic='CONFIG', dtype=REG_DTYPE.U32, access=REG_ACCESS.RW
    2: CanopenRegister(
        identifier='', units='', subnode=2, idx=0x2EDC, subidx=0x00,
        cyclic='CONFIG', dtype=REG_DTYPE.U32, access=REG_ACCESS.RW
    3: CanopenRegister(
        identifier='', units='', subnode=3, idx=0x36DC, subidx=0x00,
        cyclic='CONFIG', dtype=REG_DTYPE.U32, access=REG_ACCESS.RW

[docs]class ServoStatusListener(threading.Thread): """Reads the status word to check if the drive is alive. Args: servo (CanopenServo): Servo instance of the drive. """ def __init__(self, servo): super(ServoStatusListener, self).__init__() self.__servo = servo self.__stop = False
[docs] def run(self): """Checks if the drive is alive by reading the status word register""" while not self.__stop: for subnode in range(1, self.__servo.subnodes): try: status_word = STATUS_WORD_REGISTERS[subnode], subnode=subnode ) state = self.__servo.status_word_decode(status_word) self.__servo._set_state(state, subnode=subnode) except Exception as e: logger.error("Error getting drive status. " "Exception : %s", e) time.sleep(1.5)
[docs] def stop(self): """Stops the loop that reads the status word register""" self.__stop = True
[docs]class CanopenServo(Servo): """CANopen Servo instance. Args: node (canopen.RemoteNode): Remote Node of the drive. dictionary_path (str): Path to the dictionary. servo_status_listener (bool): Boolean to initialize the ServoStatusListener and check the drive status. """ def __init__(self, target, node, dictionary_path=None, eds=None, servo_status_listener=False): super(CanopenServo, self).__init__(target) self.units_torque = None """SERVO_UNITS_TORQUE: Torque units.""" self.units_pos = None """SERVO_UNITS_POS: Position units.""" self.units_vel = None """SERVO_UNITS_VEL: Velocity units.""" self.units_acc = None """SERVO_UNITS_ACC: Acceleration units.""" self.__node = node if dictionary_path is not None: self._dictionary = CanopenDictionary(dictionary_path) else: self._dictionary = None self.eds = eds self.__lock = threading.RLock() self.__state = { 1: lib.IL_SERVO_STATE_NRDY, 2: lib.IL_SERVO_STATE_NRDY, 3: lib.IL_SERVO_STATE_NRDY } self.__observers_servo_state = [] self.__listener_servo_status = None if servo_status_listener: self.start_status_listener() prod_name = '' if self.dictionary.part_number is None \ else self.dictionary.part_number self.full_name = '{} {}'.format(prod_name, def _get_reg(self, reg, subnode=1): """Validates a register. Args: reg (CanopenRegister): Targeted register to validate. subnode (int): Subnode for the register. Returns: CanopenRegister: Instance of the desired register from the dictionary. Raises: ILIOError: If the dictionary is not loaded. ILWrongRegisterError: If the register has invalid format. """ if isinstance(reg, CanopenRegister): return reg elif isinstance(reg, str): _dict = self._dictionary if not _dict: raise_err(lib.IL_EIO, 'No dictionary loaded') if reg not in _dict.registers(subnode): raise_err(lib.IL_REGNOTFOUND, 'Register not found ({})'.format(reg)) return _dict.registers(subnode)[reg] else: raise_err(lib.IL_EWRONGREG, 'Invalid register')
[docs] def read(self, reg, subnode=1): """Read from servo. Args: reg (str, Register): Register. Returns: int: Error code of the read operation. Raises: TypeError: If the register type is not valid. ILAccessError: Wrong access to the register. ILIOError: Error reading the register. """ _reg = self._get_reg(reg, subnode) access = _reg.access if access == REG_ACCESS.WO: raise_err(lib.IL_EACCESS, 'Register is Write-only') value = None dtype = _reg.dtype error_raised = None try: self.__lock.acquire() if dtype == REG_DTYPE.S8: value = int.from_bytes( self.__node.sdo.upload(_reg.idx, _reg.subidx), "little", signed=True ) elif dtype == REG_DTYPE.S16: value = int.from_bytes( self.__node.sdo.upload(_reg.idx, _reg.subidx), "little", signed=True ) elif dtype == REG_DTYPE.S32: value = int.from_bytes( self.__node.sdo.upload(_reg.idx, _reg.subidx), "little", signed=True ) elif dtype == REG_DTYPE.FLOAT: [value] = struct.unpack('f', self.__node.sdo.upload( _reg.idx, _reg.subidx) ) elif dtype == REG_DTYPE.STR: value = self.__node.sdo.upload( _reg.idx, _reg.subidx ).decode("utf-8") else: value = int.from_bytes( self.__node.sdo.upload(_reg.idx, _reg.subidx), "little" ) except Exception as e: logger.error("Failed reading %s. Exception: %s", str(_reg.identifier), e) error_raised = "Error reading {}".format(_reg.identifier) finally: self.__lock.release() if error_raised is not None: raise_err(lib.IL_EIO, error_raised) if isinstance(value, str): value = value.replace('\x00', '') return value
[docs] def write(self, reg, data, subnode=1): """Writes a data to a target register. Args: reg (CanopenRegister, str): Target register to be written. data (int, str, float): Data to be written. subnode (int): Target axis of the drive. Raises: TypeError: If the register type is not valid. ILAccessError: Wrong access to the register. ILIOError: Error reading the register. """ _reg = self._get_reg(reg, subnode) if _reg.access == REG_ACCESS.RO: raise_err(lib.IL_EACCESS, 'Register is Read-only') # auto cast floats if register is not float if _reg.dtype == REG_DTYPE.FLOAT: data = float(data) elif _reg.dtype != REG_DTYPE.DOMAIN: data = int(data) error_raised = None try: self.__lock.acquire() if _reg.dtype == REG_DTYPE.FLOAT:, _reg.subidx, struct.pack('f', data)) elif _reg.dtype == REG_DTYPE.DOMAIN:, _reg.subidx, data) else: bytes_length = 2 signed = False if _reg.dtype == REG_DTYPE.U8: bytes_length = 1 elif _reg.dtype == REG_DTYPE.S8: bytes_length = 1 signed = True elif _reg.dtype == REG_DTYPE.U16: bytes_length = 2 elif _reg.dtype == REG_DTYPE.S16: bytes_length = 2 signed = True elif _reg.dtype == REG_DTYPE.U32: bytes_length = 4 elif _reg.dtype == REG_DTYPE.S32: bytes_length = 4 signed = True, _reg.subidx, data.to_bytes(bytes_length, byteorder='little', signed=signed)) except Exception as e: logger.error("Failed writing %s. Exception: %s", str(_reg.identifier), e) error_raised = "Error writing {}".format(_reg.identifier) finally: self.__lock.release() if error_raised is not None: raise_err(lib.IL_EIO, error_raised)
[docs] def enable(self, subnode=1, timeout=DEFAULT_PDS_TIMEOUT): """Enable PDS. Args: subnode (int): Subnode of the drive. timeout (int): Timeout in milliseconds. Raises: ILTimeoutError: The servo could not be enabled due to timeout. ILError: Failed to enable PDS. """ r = 0 status_word =[subnode], subnode=subnode) state = self.status_word_decode(status_word) self._set_state(state, subnode) # Try fault reset if faulty if self.status[subnode].value in [ lib.IL_SERVO_STATE_FAULT, lib.IL_SERVO_STATE_FAULTR, ]: self.fault_reset(subnode=subnode) while self.status[subnode].value != lib.IL_SERVO_STATE_ENABLED: status_word =[subnode], subnode=subnode) state = self.status_word_decode(status_word) self._set_state(state, subnode) if self.status[subnode].value != lib.IL_SERVO_STATE_ENABLED: # Check state and command action to reach enabled cmd = IL_MC_PDS_CMD_EO if self.status[subnode].value == lib.IL_SERVO_STATE_FAULT: raise_err(lib.IL_ESTATE) elif self.status[subnode].value == lib.IL_SERVO_STATE_NRDY: cmd = IL_MC_PDS_CMD_DV elif self.status[subnode].value == lib.IL_SERVO_STATE_DISABLED: cmd = IL_MC_PDS_CMD_SD elif self.status[subnode].value == lib.IL_SERVO_STATE_RDY: cmd = IL_MC_PDS_CMD_SOEO self.write(CONTROL_WORD_REGISTERS[subnode], cmd, subnode=subnode) # Wait for state change r = self.status_word_wait_change(status_word, timeout, subnode=subnode) if r < 0: raise_err(r) # Read the current status word status_word =[subnode], subnode=subnode) state = self.status_word_decode(status_word) self._set_state(state, subnode) raise_err(r)
[docs] def disable(self, subnode=1, timeout=DEFAULT_PDS_TIMEOUT): """Disable PDS. Args: subnode (int): Subnode of the drive. timeout (int): Timeout in milliseconds. Raises: ILTimeoutError: The servo could not be disabled due to timeout. ILError: Failed to disable PDS. """ r = 0 status_word =[subnode], subnode=subnode) state = self.status_word_decode(status_word) self._set_state(state, subnode) while self.status[subnode].value != lib.IL_SERVO_STATE_DISABLED: state = self.status_word_decode(status_word) self._set_state(state, subnode) if self.status[subnode].value in [ lib.IL_SERVO_STATE_FAULT, lib.IL_SERVO_STATE_FAULTR, ]: # Try fault reset if faulty self.fault_reset(subnode=subnode) status_word =[subnode], subnode=subnode) state = self.status_word_decode(status_word) self._set_state(state, subnode) elif self.status[subnode].value != lib.IL_SERVO_STATE_DISABLED: # Check state and command action to reach disabled self.write(CONTROL_WORD_REGISTERS[subnode], IL_MC_PDS_CMD_DV, subnode=subnode) # Wait until status word changes r = self.status_word_wait_change(status_word, timeout, subnode=subnode) if r < 0: raise_err(r) status_word =[subnode], subnode=subnode) state = self.status_word_decode(status_word) self._set_state(state, subnode) raise_err(r)
[docs] def fault_reset(self, subnode=1, timeout=DEFAULT_PDS_TIMEOUT): """Executes a fault reset on the drive. Args: subnode (int): Subnode of the drive. timeout (int): Timeout in milliseconds. Raises: ILTimeoutError: If fault reset spend too much time. ILError: Failed to fault reset. """ r = 0 status_word =[subnode], subnode=subnode) state = self.status_word_decode(status_word) if state.value in [ lib.IL_SERVO_STATE_FAULT, lib.IL_SERVO_STATE_FAULTR, ]: # Check if faulty, if so try to reset (0->1) self.write(CONTROL_WORD_REGISTERS[subnode], 0, subnode=subnode) self.write(CONTROL_WORD_REGISTERS[subnode], IL_MC_CW_FR, subnode=subnode) # Wait until status word changes r = self.status_word_wait_change(status_word, timeout, subnode=subnode) status_word =[subnode], subnode=subnode) state = self.status_word_decode(status_word) self._set_state(state, subnode) raise_err(r)
def __update_register_dict(self, register, subnode): """Updates the register from a dictionary with the storage parameters. Args: register (Element): Register element to be updated. subnode (int): Target subnode. Returns: """ try: storage =['id'], subnode=subnode) register.set('storage', str(storage)) # Update register object reg = self._dictionary.registers(subnode)[register.attrib['id']] = storage reg.storage_valid = 1 except BaseException as e: logger.error("Exception during save_configuration, " "register %s: %s", str(register.attrib['id']), e) def __update_single_axis_dict(self, registers_category, registers, subnode): """Looks for matches through all the registers' subnodes with the given subnode and removes the ones that do not match. It also cleans up the registers leaving only paramount information. Args: registers_category (Element): Registers element containing all registers. registers (list): List of registers in the dictionary. subnode (int): Subnode to keep in the dictionary. Returns: """ for register in registers: element_subnode = int(register.attrib['subnode']) if subnode in [None, element_subnode]: if register.attrib.get('access') == 'rw': self.__update_register_dict(register, element_subnode) else: registers_category.remove(register) cleanup_register(register) def __update_multiaxis_dict(self, device, axes_category, list_axis, subnode): """Looks for matches through the subnode of each axis and removes all the axes that did not match the search. It also cleans up all the registers leaving only paramount information. Args: device (Element): Device element containing all the dictionary info. axes_category (Element): Axes element containing all the axis. list_axis (list): List of all the axis in the dictionary. subnode (int): Subnode to keep in the dictionary. """ for axis in list_axis: registers_category = axis.find('./Registers') registers = registers_category.findall('./Register') if subnode is not None and axis.attrib['subnode'] == str(subnode): self.__update_single_axis_dict(registers_category, registers, subnode) device.append(registers_category) device.remove(axes_category) break for register in registers: element_subnode = int(register.attrib['subnode']) if ( subnode in [None, element_subnode] and register.attrib.get('access') == 'rw' ): self.__update_register_dict(register, element_subnode) cleanup_register(register)
[docs] def save_configuration(self, config_file, subnode=None): """Read all dictionary registers content and put it to the dictionary storage. Args: config_file (str): Destination path for the configuration file. subnode (int): Subnode of the axis. """ if subnode is not None and (not isinstance(subnode, int) or subnode < 0): raise ILError('Invalid subnode') prod_code, rev_number = get_drive_identification(self, subnode) with open(self._dictionary.path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as xml_file: tree = ET.parse(xml_file) root = tree.getroot() body = root.find('Body') device = root.find('Body/Device') categories = root.find('Body/Device/Categories') errors = root.find('Body/Errors') if 'ProductCode' in device.attrib and prod_code is not None: device.attrib['ProductCode'] = str(prod_code) if 'RevisionNumber' in device.attrib and rev_number is not None: device.attrib['RevisionNumber'] = str(rev_number) registers_category = root.find('Body/Device/Registers') if registers_category is None: # Multiaxis dictionary axes_category = root.find('Body/Device/Axes') list_axis = root.findall('Body/Device/Axes/Axis') self.__update_multiaxis_dict(device, axes_category, list_axis, subnode) else: # Single axis dictionary registers = root.findall('Body/Device/Registers/Register') self.__update_single_axis_dict(registers_category, registers, subnode) device.remove(categories) body.remove(errors) image = root.find('./DriveImage') if image is not None: root.remove(image) tree.write(config_file) xml_file.close()
[docs] def replace_dictionary(self, dictionary): """Deletes and creates a new instance of the dictionary. Args: dictionary (str): Dictionary. """ self._dictionary = CanopenDictionary(dictionary)
[docs] def load_configuration(self, config_file, subnode=None): """Write current dictionary storage to the servo drive. Args: config_file (str): Path to the dictionary. subnode (int): Subnode of the axis. """ if not os.path.isfile(config_file): raise FileNotFoundError('Could not find {}.'.format(config_file)) if subnode is not None and (not isinstance(subnode, int) or subnode < 0): raise ILError('Invalid subnode') with open(config_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as xml_file: tree = ET.parse(xml_file) root = tree.getroot() axis = tree.findall('*/Device/Axes/Axis') if axis: # Multiaxis registers = root.findall( './Body/Device/Axes/Axis/Registers/Register' ) else: # Single axis registers = root.findall('./Body/Device/Registers/Register') r = -1 for element in registers: try: if 'storage' in element.attrib and element.attrib['access'] == 'rw': element_subnode = int(element.attrib['subnode']) if subnode is None or subnode == element_subnode: r = 0 self.write(element.attrib['id'], float(element.attrib['storage']), subnode=element_subnode ) except BaseException as e: logger.error("Exception during load_configuration, register " "%s: %s", str(element.attrib['id']), e) if r < 0: raise ILError('Could not find subnode {} ' 'in the configuration file'.format(subnode))
[docs] def store_parameters(self, subnode=None, sdo_timeout=3): """Store all the current parameters of the target subnode. Args: subnode (int): Subnode of the axis. `None` by default which stores all the parameters. sdo_timeout (int): Timeout value for each SDO response. Raises: ILError: Invalid subnode. ILObjectNotExist: Failed to write to the registers. """ r = 0 self._change_sdo_timeout(sdo_timeout) try: if subnode is None: # Store all try: self.write(reg=STORE_COCO_ALL, data=PASSWORD_STORE_ALL, subnode=0)'Store all successfully done.') except Exception: logger.warning('Store all COCO failed. Trying MOCO...') r = -1 if r < 0: for dict_subnode in range(1, self.dictionary.subnodes): self.write( reg=STORE_MOCO_ALL_REGISTERS[dict_subnode], data=PASSWORD_STORE_ALL, subnode=dict_subnode) 'Store axis {} successfully done.'.format( dict_subnode) ) elif subnode == 0: # Store subnode 0 raise ILError('The current firmware version does not ' 'have this feature implemented.') elif subnode > 0 and subnode in STORE_MOCO_ALL_REGISTERS: # Store axis self.write(reg=STORE_MOCO_ALL_REGISTERS[subnode], data=PASSWORD_STORE_ALL, subnode=subnode)'Store axis {} successfully done.'.format(subnode)) else: raise ILError('Invalid subnode.') finally: sleep(1.5) self._change_sdo_timeout(CANOPEN_SDO_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT)
[docs] def restore_parameters(self, subnode=None): """Restore all the current parameters of all the slave to default. .. note:: The drive needs a power cycle after this in order for the changes to be properly applied. Args: subnode (int): Subnode of the axis. `None` by default which restores all the parameters. Raises: ILError: Invalid subnode. ILObjectNotExist: Failed to write to the registers. """ if subnode is None: # Restore all self.write(reg=RESTORE_COCO_ALL, data=PASSWORD_RESTORE_ALL, subnode=0)'Restore all successfully done.') elif subnode == 0: # Restore subnode 0 raise ILError('The current firmware version does not ' 'have this feature implemented.') elif subnode > 0 and subnode in RESTORE_MOCO_ALL_REGISTERS: # Restore axis self.write(reg=RESTORE_COCO_ALL, data=RESTORE_MOCO_ALL_REGISTERS[subnode], subnode=subnode)'Restore subnode {} successfully done.'.format(subnode)) else: raise ILError('Invalid subnode.') sleep(1.5)
def _change_sdo_timeout(self, value): """Changes the SDO timeout of the node.""" self.__node.sdo.RESPONSE_TIMEOUT = value
[docs] def is_alive(self): """Checks if the servo responds to a reading a register. Returns: bool: Return code with the result of the read. """ _is_alive = True try:[1]) except ILError as e: _is_alive = False logger.error(e) return _is_alive
[docs] def get_state(self, subnode=1): """SERVO_STATE: Current drive state.""" return self.__state[subnode], None
def _set_state(self, state, subnode): """Sets the state internally. Args: state (SERVO_STATE): Current servo state. subnode (int): Subnode of the drive. """ current_state = self.__state[subnode] if current_state != state: self.status[subnode] = state for callback in self.__observers_servo_state: callback(state, None, subnode)
[docs] def start_status_listener(self): """Start listening for servo status events (SERVO_STATE).""" if self.__listener_servo_status is not None: return status_word =[1]) state = self.status_word_decode(status_word) self._set_state(state, 1) self.__listener_servo_status = ServoStatusListener(self) self.__listener_servo_status.start()
[docs] def stop_status_listener(self): """Stop listening for servo status events (SERVO_STATE).""" if self.__listener_servo_status is None: return if self.__listener_servo_status.is_alive(): self.__listener_servo_status.stop() self.__listener_servo_status.join() self.__listener_servo_status = None
[docs] def subscribe_to_status(self, callback): """Subscribe to state changes. Args: callback (function): Callback function. Returns: int: Assigned slot. """ if callback in self.__observers_servo_state:'Callback already subscribed.') return self.__observers_servo_state.append(callback)
[docs] def unsubscribe_from_status(self, callback): """Unsubscribe from state changes. Args: callback (function): Callback function. """ if callback not in self.__observers_servo_state:'Callback not subscribed.') return self.__observers_servo_state.remove(callback)
[docs] def status_word_wait_change(self, status_word, timeout, subnode=1): """Waits for a status word change. Args: status_word (int): Status word to wait for. timeout (int): Maximum value to wait for the change. subnode (int): Subnode of the drive. Returns: int: Error code. """ r = 0 start_time = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) actual_status_word =[subnode], subnode=subnode) while actual_status_word == status_word: current_time = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) time_diff = (current_time - start_time) if time_diff > timeout: r = lib.IL_ETIMEDOUT return r actual_status_word = STATUS_WORD_REGISTERS[subnode], subnode=subnode) return r
[docs] def reload_errors(self, dictionary): """Force to reload all dictionary errors. Args: dictionary (str): Dictionary. """ pass
[docs] @staticmethod def status_word_decode(status_word): """Decodes the status word to a known value. Args: status_word (int): Read value for the status word. Returns: SERVO_STATE: Status word value. """ if (status_word & IL_MC_PDS_STA_NRTSO_MSK) == IL_MC_PDS_STA_NRTSO: state = lib.IL_SERVO_STATE_NRDY elif (status_word & IL_MC_PDS_STA_SOD_MSK) == IL_MC_PDS_STA_SOD: state = lib.IL_SERVO_STATE_DISABLED elif (status_word & IL_MC_PDS_STA_RTSO_MSK) == IL_MC_PDS_STA_RTSO: state = lib.IL_SERVO_STATE_RDY elif (status_word & IL_MC_PDS_STA_SO_MSK) == IL_MC_PDS_STA_SO: state = lib.IL_SERVO_STATE_ON elif (status_word & IL_MC_PDS_STA_OE_MSK) == IL_MC_PDS_STA_OE: state = lib.IL_SERVO_STATE_ENABLED elif (status_word & IL_MC_PDS_STA_QSA_MSK) == IL_MC_PDS_STA_QSA: state = lib.IL_SERVO_STATE_QSTOP elif (status_word & IL_MC_PDS_STA_FRA_MSK) == IL_MC_PDS_STA_FRA: state = lib.IL_SERVO_STATE_FAULTR elif (status_word & IL_MC_PDS_STA_F_MSK) == IL_MC_PDS_STA_F: state = lib.IL_SERVO_STATE_FAULT else: state = lib.IL_SERVO_STATE_NRDY return SERVO_STATE(state)
def __read_coco_moco_register(self, register_coco, register_moco): """Reads the COCO register and if it does not exist, reads the MOCO register Args: register_coco (IPBRegister): COCO Register to be read. register_moco (IPBRegister: MOCO Register to be read. Returns: int: Read value of the register. """ try: return, subnode=0) except ILError: pass try: return, subnode=1) except ILError: pass @property def dictionary(self): """Returns dictionary object""" return self._dictionary @property def full_name(self): """str: Drive full name.""" return self.__full_name @full_name.setter def full_name(self, new_name): self.__full_name = new_name @property def node(self): """canopen.RemoteNode: Remote node of the servo.""" return self.__node @property def errors(self): """dict: Errors.""" return self._dictionary.errors.errors @property def info(self): """dict: Servo information.""" serial_number = self.__read_coco_moco_register( SERIAL_NUMBER_REGISTERS[0], SERIAL_NUMBER_REGISTERS[1]) sw_version = self.__read_coco_moco_register( SOFTWARE_VERSION_REGISTERS[0], SOFTWARE_VERSION_REGISTERS[1]) product_code = self.__read_coco_moco_register( PRODUCT_ID_REGISTERS[0], PRODUCT_ID_REGISTERS[1]) revision_number = self.__read_coco_moco_register( REVISION_NUMBER_REGISTERS[0], REVISION_NUMBER_REGISTERS[1]) hw_variant = 'A' return { 'name':, 'serial_number': serial_number, 'firmware_version': sw_version, 'product_code': product_code, 'revision_number': revision_number, 'hw_variant': hw_variant } @property def status(self): """tuple: Servo status and state flags.""" return self.__state @status.setter def status(self, new_state): self.__state = new_state @property def subnodes(self): """int: Number of subnodes.""" return self._dictionary.subnodes