Source code for ingenialink.canopen.dictionary

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from ..dictionary import Dictionary
from ..constants import SINGLE_AXIS_MINIMUM_SUBNODES
from .register import CanopenRegister, REG_ACCESS, REG_DTYPE
from ingenialink.utils._utils import *
from .._ingenialink import lib

[docs]class CanopenCategories: """Contains all categories from a CANopen Dictionary. Args: dict_ (str): Path to the Ingenia dictionary. """ def __init__(self, dict_): self._dict = dict_ self._cat_ids = [] self._categories = {} # { cat_id : label } self.load_cat_ids()
[docs] def load_cat_ids(self): """Load category IDs from dictionary.""" with open(self._dict, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as xml_file: tree = ET.parse(xml_file) root = tree.getroot() for element in root.findall('./Body/Device/Categories/Category'): self._cat_ids.append(element.attrib['id']) self._categories[element.attrib['id']] = { 'en_US': element.find('./Labels/Label').text }
@property def category_ids(self): """list: Category IDs.""" return self._cat_ids
[docs] def labels(self, cat_id): """Obtain labels for a certain category ID. Returns: dict: Labels dictionary. """ return self._categories[cat_id]
[docs]class CanopenErrors: """Errors for the CANopen dictionary. Args: dict_ (str): Path to the Ingenia dictionary. """ def __init__(self, dict_): self._dict = dict_ self._errors = {} # { cat_id : label } self.load_errors()
[docs] def load_errors(self): """Load errors from dictionary.""" with open(self._dict, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as xml_file: tree = ET.parse(xml_file) root = tree.getroot() for element in root.findall('./Body/Errors/Error'): label = element.find('./Labels/Label') self._errors[int(element.attrib['id'], 16)] = [ element.attrib['id'], element.attrib['affected_module'], element.attrib['error_type'].capitalize(), label.text ]
@property def errors(self): """dict: Errors dictionary.""" return self._errors
[docs]class CanopenDictionary(Dictionary): """Contains all registers and information of a CANopen dictionary. Args: dictionary_path (str): Path to the Ingenia dictionary. """ def __init__(self, dictionary_path): super(CanopenDictionary, self).__init__(dictionary_path) self.version = '1' self.categories = None self.subnodes = SINGLE_AXIS_MINIMUM_SUBNODES self.__registers = [] self.errors = None self.read_dictionary()
[docs] def read_dictionary(self): """Reads the dictionary file and initializes all its components.""" with open(self.path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as xml_file: tree = ET.parse(xml_file) root = tree.getroot() device = root.find('./Body/Device') # Subnodes if root.findall('./Body/Device/Axes/'): self.subnodes = len(root.findall('./Body/Device/Axes/Axis')) for _ in range(self.subnodes): self.__registers.append({}) # Categories self.categories = CanopenCategories(self.path) # Errors self.errors = CanopenErrors(self.path) # Version version_node = root.find('.Header/Version') if version_node is not None: self.version = version_node.text self.firmware_version = device.attrib.get('firmwareVersion') product_code = device.attrib.get('ProductCode') if product_code is not None and product_code.isdecimal(): self.product_code = int(product_code) self.part_number = device.attrib.get('PartNumber') revision_number = device.attrib.get('RevisionNumber') if revision_number is not None and revision_number.isdecimal(): self.revision_number = int(revision_number) self.interface = device.attrib.get('Interface') if root.findall('./Body/Device/Axes/'): # For each axis for axis in root.findall('./Body/Device/Axes/Axis'): for register in axis.findall('./Registers/Register'): self.read_register(register) else: for register in root.findall('./Body/Device/Registers/Register'): self.read_register(register) # Closing xml file xml_file.close()
[docs] def read_register(self, register): """Reads a register from the dictionary and creates a Register instance. Args: register (Element): Register instance from the dictionary. """ try: # Identifier identifier = register.attrib['id'] # Units units = register.attrib['units'] # Cyclic cyclic = register.attrib[ 'cyclic'] if 'cyclic' in register.attrib else "CONFIG" idx = int(register.attrib['address'][:6], 16) subidx = int("0x" + register.attrib['address'][-2:], 16) # Data type dtype = register.attrib['dtype'] if dtype == "float": dtype = REG_DTYPE.FLOAT elif dtype == "s8": dtype = REG_DTYPE.S8 elif dtype == "u8": dtype = REG_DTYPE.U8 elif dtype == "u16": dtype = REG_DTYPE.U16 elif dtype == "s16": dtype = REG_DTYPE.S16 elif dtype == "s32": dtype = REG_DTYPE.S32 elif dtype == "u32": dtype = REG_DTYPE.U32 elif dtype == "str": dtype = REG_DTYPE.STR else: raise_err(lib.IL_EINVAL, 'Invalid data type') # Access access = register.attrib['access'] if access == "r": access = REG_ACCESS.RO elif access == "w": access = REG_ACCESS.WO elif access == "rw": access = REG_ACCESS.RW else: raise_err(lib.IL_EACCESS, 'Invalid access type') # Subnode subnode = int( register.attrib['subnode']) if 'subnode' in register.attrib else 1 # Storage storage = register.attrib[ 'storage'] if 'storage' in register.attrib else None cat_id = register.attrib['cat_id'] if 'cat_id' in register.attrib else None if 'internal_use' in register.attrib: internal_use = register.attrib['internal_use'] else: internal_use = 0 # Labels labels_elem = register.findall('./Labels/Label') labels = {label.attrib['lang']: label.text for label in labels_elem} # Range range_elem = register.find('./Range') reg_range = (None, None) if range_elem is not None: range_min = range_elem.attrib['min'] range_max = range_elem.attrib['max'] reg_range = (range_min, range_max) # Enumerations enums_elem = register.findall('./Enumerations/Enum') enums = [{enum.attrib['value']: enum.text} for enum in enums_elem] reg = CanopenRegister(identifier, units, cyclic, idx, subidx, dtype, access, subnode=subnode, storage=storage, reg_range=reg_range, labels=labels, enums=enums, enums_count=len(enums), cat_id=cat_id, internal_use=internal_use) self.__registers[int(subnode)][identifier] = reg except Exception as e: pass
[docs] def registers(self, subnode): """Gets the register dictionary to the targeted subnode. Args: subnode (int): Identifier for the subnode. Returns: dict: Dictionary of all the registers for a subnode. """ return self.__registers[subnode]