Source code for ingenialink.monitor

from enum import Enum

from ._ingenialink import ffi, lib
from ._utils import raise_null, raise_err, to_ms
from .registers import _get_reg_id

[docs]class MONITOR_TRIGGER(Enum): """ Monitor Trigger Types. """ IMMEDIATE = lib.IL_MONITOR_TRIGGER_IMMEDIATE """ Immediate. """ MOTION = lib.IL_MONITOR_TRIGGER_MOTION """ Motion start. """ POS = lib.IL_MONITOR_TRIGGER_POS """ Positive. """ NEG = lib.IL_MONITOR_TRIGGER_NEG """ Negative. """ WINDOW = lib.IL_MONITOR_TRIGGER_WINDOW """ Exit window. """ DIN = lib.IL_MONITOR_TRIGGER_DIN """ Digital input. """
[docs]class Monitor(object): """ Monitor. Args: servo (Servo): Servo instance. Raises: ILCreationError: If the monitor could not be created. """ def __init__(self, servo): monitor = lib.il_monitor_create(servo._servo) raise_null(monitor) self._monitor = ffi.gc(monitor, lib.il_monitor_destroy) self._acq ='il_monitor_acq_t **')
[docs] def start(self): """ Start the monitor. """ r = lib.il_monitor_start(self._monitor) raise_err(r)
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stop the monitor. """ r = lib.il_monitor_stop(self._monitor) raise_err(r)
[docs] def wait(self, timeout): """ Wait until the current acquisition finishes. Args: timeout (int, float): Timeout (s). """ r = lib.il_monitor_wait(self._monitor, to_ms(timeout)) raise_err(r)
@property def data(self): """ Obtain configured data. Returns: tuple: Current acquisition time and data for all channels. """ lib.il_monitor_data_get(self._monitor, self._acq) acq = ffi.cast('il_monitor_acq_t *', self._acq[0]) t = list(acq.t[0:acq.cnt]) d = [] for ch in range(lib.IL_MONITOR_CH_NUM): if acq.d[ch] != ffi.NULL: d.append(list(acq.d[ch][0:acq.cnt])) else: d.append(None) return t, d
[docs] def configure(self, t_s, delay_samples=0, max_samples=0): """ Configure the monitor parameters. Args: t_s (int, float): Sampling period (s, resolution: 1e-4 s). delay_samples (int, optional): Delay samples. max_samples (int, optional): Maximum acquisition samples. """ r = lib.il_monitor_configure(self._monitor, int(t_s * 1e6), delay_samples, max_samples) raise_err(r)
[docs] def ch_configure(self, ch, reg): """ Configure a channel mapping. Args: ch (int): Channel. reg (str, Register): Register to be mapped to the channel. """ _reg, _id = _get_reg_id(reg) r = lib.il_monitor_ch_configure(self._monitor, ch, _reg, _id) raise_err(r)
[docs] def ch_disable(self, ch): """ Disable a channel. Args: ch (int): Channel identifier. """ r = lib.il_monitor_ch_disable(self._monitor, ch) raise_err(r)
[docs] def ch_disable_all(self): """ Disable all channels. """ r = lib.il_monitor_ch_disable_all(self._monitor) raise_err(r)
[docs] def trigger_configure(self, mode, delay_samples=0, source=None, th_pos=0., th_neg=0., din_msk=0): """ Configure the trigger. Args: mode (MONITOR_TRIGGER): Trigger mode. delay_samples (int, optional): Delay samples. source (str, Register, optional): Source register, required for MONITOR_TRIGGER.POS, MONITOR_TRIGGER.NEG and MONITOR_TRIGGER.WINDOW. th_pos (int, float, optional): Positive threshold, used for MONITOR_TRIGGER.POS, MONITOR_TRIGGER.WINDOW th_neg (int, float, optional): Negative threshold, used for MONITOR_TRIGGER.NEG, MONITOR_TRIGGER.WINDOW din_msk (int, optional): Digital input mask, used for MONITOR_TRIGGER.DIN """ if not isinstance(mode, MONITOR_TRIGGER): raise TypeError('Invalid trigger mode') _source_required = (MONITOR_TRIGGER.POS, MONITOR_TRIGGER.NEG, MONITOR_TRIGGER.WINDOW) if mode in _source_required: _reg, _id = _get_reg_id(source) else: _reg, _id = ffi.NULL, ffi.NULL r = lib.il_monitor_trigger_configure( self._monitor, mode.value, delay_samples, _reg, _id, th_pos, th_neg, din_msk) raise_err(r)