Source code for ingenialink.servo

from enum import Enum

from ._ingenialink import ffi, lib
from ._utils import cstr, pstr, raise_null, raise_err, to_ms
from .registers import Register, REG_DTYPE, _get_reg_id, REG_ACCESS
from .net import Network, NET_PROT
from .dict_ import Dictionary

from .const import *

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from xml.dom import minidom
import time
import io

    identifier='', units='', subnode=0, address=0x00C4, cyclic='CONFIG',
    dtype=REG_DTYPE.U32, access=REG_ACCESS.RW, range=None
DIST_DATA = Register(
    identifier='', units='', subnode=0, address=0x00B4, cyclic='CONFIG',
    dtype=REG_DTYPE.U16, access=REG_ACCESS.WO, range=None

[docs]class SERVO_STATE(Enum): """ State. """ NRDY = lib.IL_SERVO_STATE_NRDY """ Not ready to switch on. """ DISABLED = lib.IL_SERVO_STATE_DISABLED """ Switch on disabled. """ RDY = lib.IL_SERVO_STATE_RDY """ Ready to be switched on. """ ON = lib.IL_SERVO_STATE_ON """ Power switched on. """ ENABLED = lib.IL_SERVO_STATE_ENABLED """ Enabled. """ QSTOP = lib.IL_SERVO_STATE_QSTOP """ Quick stop. """ FAULTR = lib.IL_SERVO_STATE_FAULTR """ Fault reactive. """ FAULT = lib.IL_SERVO_STATE_FAULT """ Fault. """
[docs]class SERVO_FLAGS(object): """ Status Flags. """ TGT_REACHED = lib.IL_SERVO_FLAG_TGT_REACHED """ Target reached. """ ILIM_ACTIVE = lib.IL_SERVO_FLAG_ILIM_ACTIVE """ Internal limit active. """ HOMING_ATT = lib.IL_SERVO_FLAG_HOMING_ATT """ (Homing) attained. """ HOMING_ERR = lib.IL_SERVO_FLAG_HOMING_ERR """ (Homing) error. """ PV_VZERO = lib.IL_SERVO_FLAG_PV_VZERO """ (PV) Vocity speed is zero. """ PP_SPACK = lib.IL_SERVO_FLAG_PP_SPACK """ (PP) SP acknowledge. """ IP_ACTIVE = lib.IL_SERVO_FLAG_IP_ACTIVE """ (IP) active. """ CS_FOLLOWS = lib.IL_SERVO_FLAG_CS_FOLLOWS """ (CST/CSV/CSP) follow command value. """ FERR = lib.IL_SERVO_FLAG_FERR """ (CST/CSV/CSP/PV) following error. """ IANGLE_DET = lib.IL_SERVO_FLAG_IANGLE_DET """ Initial angle determination finished. """
[docs]class SERVO_MODE(Enum): """ Operation Mode. """ OLV = lib.IL_SERVO_MODE_OLV """ Open loop (vector mode). """ OLS = lib.IL_SERVO_MODE_OLS """ Open loop (scalar mode). """ PP = lib.IL_SERVO_MODE_PP """ Profile position mode. """ VEL = lib.IL_SERVO_MODE_VEL """ Velocity mode. """ PV = lib.IL_SERVO_MODE_PV """ Profile velocity mode. """ PT = lib.IL_SERVO_MODE_PT """ Profile torque mode. """ HOMING = lib.IL_SERVO_MODE_HOMING """ Homing mode. """ IP = lib.IL_SERVO_MODE_IP """ Interpolated position mode. """ CSP = lib.IL_SERVO_MODE_CSP """ Cyclic sync position mode. """ CSV = lib.IL_SERVO_MODE_CSV """ Cyclic sync velocity mode. """ CST = lib.IL_SERVO_MODE_CST """ Cyclic sync torque mode. """
[docs]class SERVO_UNITS_TORQUE(Enum): """ Torque Units. """ NATIVE = lib.IL_UNITS_TORQUE_NATIVE """ Native """ MN = lib.IL_UNITS_TORQUE_MNM """ Millinewtons*meter. """ N = lib.IL_UNITS_TORQUE_NM """ Newtons*meter. """
[docs]class SERVO_UNITS_POS(Enum): """ Position Units. """ NATIVE = lib.IL_UNITS_POS_NATIVE """ Native. """ REV = lib.IL_UNITS_POS_REV """ Revolutions. """ RAD = lib.IL_UNITS_POS_RAD """ Radians. """ DEG = lib.IL_UNITS_POS_DEG """ Degrees. """ UM = lib.IL_UNITS_POS_UM """ Micrometers. """ MM = lib.IL_UNITS_POS_MM """ Millimeters. """ M = lib.IL_UNITS_POS_M """ Meters. """
[docs]class SERVO_UNITS_VEL(Enum): """ Velocity Units. """ NATIVE = lib.IL_UNITS_VEL_NATIVE """ Native. """ RPS = lib.IL_UNITS_VEL_RPS """ Revolutions per second. """ RPM = lib.IL_UNITS_VEL_RPM """ Revolutions per minute. """ RAD_S = lib.IL_UNITS_VEL_RAD_S """ Radians/second. """ DEG_S = lib.IL_UNITS_VEL_DEG_S """ Degrees/second. """ UM_S = lib.IL_UNITS_VEL_UM_S """ Micrometers/second. """ MM_S = lib.IL_UNITS_VEL_MM_S """ Millimeters/second. """ M_S = lib.IL_UNITS_VEL_M_S """ Meters/second. """
[docs]class SERVO_UNITS_ACC(Enum): """ Acceleration Units. """ NATIVE = lib.IL_UNITS_ACC_NATIVE """ Native. """ REV_S2 = lib.IL_UNITS_ACC_REV_S2 """ Revolutions/second^2. """ RAD_S2 = lib.IL_UNITS_ACC_RAD_S2 """ Radians/second^2. """ DEG_S2 = lib.IL_UNITS_ACC_DEG_S2 """ Degrees/second^2. """ UM_S2 = lib.IL_UNITS_ACC_UM_S2 """ Micrometers/second^2. """ MM_S2 = lib.IL_UNITS_ACC_MM_S2 """ Millimeters/second^2. """ M_S2 = lib.IL_UNITS_ACC_M_S2 """ Meters/second^2. """
[docs]def servo_is_connected(address_ip, port_ip=1061, protocol=1): """ Obtain boolean with result of search a servo into ip. Args: address_ip: IP Address. Returns: bool """ net__ ='il_net_t **') address_ip = cstr(address_ip) if address_ip else ffi.NULL return lib.il_servo_is_connected(net__, address_ip, port_ip, protocol)
[docs]def lucky(prot, dict_f=None, address_ip=None, port_ip=23, protocol=1): """ Obtain an instance of the first available Servo. Args: prot (NET_PROT): Network protocol. dict_f (str, optional): Dictionary. Returns: tuple: - Network: Servo network instance. - Servo: Servo instance. """ net__ ='il_net_t **') servo__ ='il_servo_t **') dict_f = cstr(dict_f) if dict_f else ffi.NULL address_ip = cstr(address_ip) if address_ip else ffi.NULL if prot.value == 2: r = lib.il_servo_lucky_eth(prot.value, net__, servo__, dict_f, address_ip, port_ip, protocol) else: r = lib.il_servo_lucky(prot.value, net__, servo__, dict_f) raise_err(r) net_ = ffi.cast('il_net_t *', net__[0]) servo_ = ffi.cast('il_servo_t *', servo__[0]) net = Network._from_existing(net_) servo = Servo._from_existing(servo_, dict_f) = net return net, servo
[docs]def connect_ecat(ifname, dict_f, slave=1): """ Connect the drive through SOEM communications. Args: ifname: Interface name. dict_f: Dictionary path. slave: Slave number. Returns: tuple: Servo and Network. """ net = Network(prot=NET_PROT.ECAT, slave=slave) servo = Servo(net=net, dict_f=dict_f) r = servo.connect_ecat(ifname=ifname, slave=slave) if r <= 0: servo = None net = None raise_err(r) else: net._net = ffi.cast('il_net_t *', net._net[0]) servo._servo = ffi.cast('il_servo_t *', servo._servo[0]) = net return servo, net
@ffi.def_extern() def _on_state_change_cb(ctx, state, flags, subnode): """ On state change callback shim. """ cb = ffi.from_handle(ctx) cb(SERVO_STATE(state), flags, subnode) @ffi.def_extern() def _on_emcy_cb(ctx, code): """ On emergency callback shim. """ cb = ffi.from_handle(ctx) cb(code)
[docs]class Servo(object): """ Servo. Args: net (Network): Network instance. id (int): Servo id. Raises: ILCreationError: If the servo cannot be created. """ _raw_read = {REG_DTYPE.U8: ['uint8_t *', lib.il_servo_raw_read_u8], REG_DTYPE.S8: ['int8_t *', lib.il_servo_raw_read_s8], REG_DTYPE.U16: ['uint16_t *', lib.il_servo_raw_read_u16], REG_DTYPE.S16: ['int16_t *', lib.il_servo_raw_read_s16], REG_DTYPE.U32: ['uint32_t *', lib.il_servo_raw_read_u32], REG_DTYPE.S32: ['int32_t *', lib.il_servo_raw_read_s32], REG_DTYPE.U64: ['uint64_t *', lib.il_servo_raw_read_u64], REG_DTYPE.S64: ['int64_t *', lib.il_servo_raw_read_s64], REG_DTYPE.FLOAT: ['float *', lib.il_servo_raw_read_float], REG_DTYPE.STR: ['uint32_t *', lib.il_servo_raw_read_str]} """ dict: Data buffer and function mappings for raw read operation. """ _raw_write = {REG_DTYPE.U8: lib.il_servo_raw_write_u8, REG_DTYPE.S8: lib.il_servo_raw_write_s8, REG_DTYPE.U16: lib.il_servo_raw_write_u16, REG_DTYPE.S16: lib.il_servo_raw_write_s16, REG_DTYPE.U32: lib.il_servo_raw_write_u32, REG_DTYPE.S32: lib.il_servo_raw_write_s32, REG_DTYPE.U64: lib.il_servo_raw_write_u64, REG_DTYPE.S64: lib.il_servo_raw_write_s64, REG_DTYPE.FLOAT: lib.il_servo_raw_write_float} """ dict: Function mappings for raw write operation. """ def __init__(self, net, servo_id=None, dict_f=None): self.dict_f = cstr(dict_f) if dict_f else ffi.NULL if servo_id: servo = lib.il_servo_create(net._net, servo_id, self.dict_f) raise_null(servo) self._servo = ffi.gc(servo, lib.il_servo_destroy) self._net = net else: self._net = net self._servo ='il_servo_t **') self._state_cb = {} self._emcy_cb = {} if not hasattr(self, '_errors') or not self._errors: self._errors = self._get_all_errors(self.dict_f) @classmethod def _from_existing(cls, servo, dict_f): """ Create a new class instance from an existing servo. Args: servo (Servo): Servo instance. dict_f (str): Path to the dictionary file. Returns: Servo: Instance of servo. """ inst = cls.__new__(cls) inst._servo = ffi.gc(servo, lib.il_servo_fake_destroy) inst._state_cb = {} inst._emcy_cb = {} if not hasattr(inst, '_errors') or not inst._errors: inst._errors = inst._get_all_errors(dict_f) return inst
[docs] def connect_ecat(self, ifname, slave): """ Connect drive through SOEM communications. Args: ifname: Interface name. slave: Slave number. Returns: int: Result code. """ self.ifname = cstr(ifname) if ifname else ffi.NULL self.slave = slave r = lib.il_servo_connect_ecat(3, self.ifname,, self._servo, self.dict_f, 1061, self.slave) time.sleep(2) return r
def _get_all_errors(self, dict_f): """ Obtain all errors defined in the dictionary. Args: dict_f: Path to the dictionary file. Returns: dict: Current errors definde in the dictionary. """ errors = dict() if str(dict_f) != "<cdata 'void *' NULL>": tree = ET.parse(dict_f) for error in tree.iter("Error"): label = error.find(".//Label") id = int(error.attrib['id'], 0) errors[id] = [ error.attrib['id'], error.attrib['affected_module'], error.attrib['error_type'].capitalize(), label.text ] return errors
[docs] def destroy(self): """ Destroy servo instance. Returns: int: Result code. """ r = lib.il_servo_destroy(self._servo) return r
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset servo. Notes: You may need to reconnect the network after reset. """ r = lib.il_servo_reset(self._servo) raise_err(r)
[docs] def get_state(self, subnode=1): """ Obtain state of the servo. Args: subnode (int, optional): Subnode. Returns: tuple: Servo state and state flags. """ state ='il_servo_state_t *') flags ='int *') lib.il_servo_state_get(self._servo, state, flags, subnode) return SERVO_STATE(state[0]), flags[0]
[docs] def state_subscribe(self, cb): """ Subscribe to state changes. Args: cb: Callback Returns: int: Assigned slot. """ cb_handle = ffi.new_handle(cb) slot = lib.il_servo_state_subscribe( self._servo, lib._on_state_change_cb, cb_handle) if slot < 0: raise_err(slot) self._state_cb[slot] = cb_handle return slot
[docs] def state_unsubscribe(self, slot): """ Unsubscribe from state changes. Args: slot (int): Assigned slot when subscribed. """ lib.il_servo_state_unsubscribe(self._servo, slot) del self._state_cb[slot]
[docs] def emcy_subscribe(self, cb): """ Subscribe to emergency messages. Args: cb: Callback Returns: int: Assigned slot. """ cb_handle = ffi.new_handle(cb) slot = lib.il_servo_emcy_subscribe( self._servo, lib._on_emcy_cb, cb_handle) if slot < 0: raise_err(slot) self._emcy_cb[slot] = cb_handle return slot
[docs] def emcy_unsubscribe(self, slot): """ Unsubscribe from emergency messages. Args: slot (int): Assigned slot when subscribed. """ lib.il_servo_emcy_unsubscribe(self._servo, slot) del self._emcy_cb[slot]
[docs] def state_subs_stop(self, stop): """ Stop servo state subscriptions. Args: stop (int): start: 0, stop: 1. Returns: int: Result code. """ return lib.il_servo_state_subs_stop(self._servo, stop)
@property def errors(self): """ Obtain drive errors. Returns: dict: Current errors. """ return self._errors @property def net(self): """ Obtain servo network. Returns: Network: Current servo network. """ return self._net @net.setter def net(self, value): """ Set servo network. Args: value (Network): Network to be setted as servo Network. """ self._net = value @property def subnodes(self): """ Obtain number of subnodes. Returns: int: Current number of subnodes. """ return int(ffi.cast('int', lib.il_servo_subnodes_get(self._servo))) @property def dict(self): """ Obtain dictionary of the servo. Returns: dict: Current dictionary of the servo. """ _dict = lib.il_servo_dict_get(self._servo) return Dictionary._from_dict(_dict) if _dict else None
[docs] def dict_load(self, dict_f): """ Load dictionary. Args: dict_f (str): Dictionary. """ r = lib.il_servo_dict_load(self._servo, cstr(dict_f)) if not hasattr(self, '_errors') or not self._errors: self._errors = self._get_all_errors(dict_f) raise_err(r)
[docs] def reload_errors(self, dict_f): """ Force to reload all dictionary errors. Args: dict_f (str): Dictionary. """ self._errors = self._get_all_errors(dict_f)
[docs] def dict_storage_read(self, new_path, subnode=0): """ Read all dictionary registers content and put it to the dictionary storage. Args: new_path (str): Dictionary. """ r = lib.il_servo_dict_storage_read(self._servo) raise_err(r) tree = ET.parse(new_path) xml_data = tree.getroot() if subnode > 0: registers_category = xml_data.find('Body/Device/Registers') registers = xml_data.findall('Body/Device/Registers/Register') for register in registers: if register.attrib['subnode'] != str(subnode): registers_category.remove(register) image = xml_data.find('./DriveImage') if image is not None: xml_data.remove(image) xmlstr = minidom.parseString(ET.tostring(xml_data)).toprettyxml(indent=" ", newl='') config_file =, "w", encoding='utf8') config_file.write(xmlstr) config_file.close()
[docs] def dict_storage_write(self, dict_f, subnode=0): """ Write current dictionary storage to the servo drive. Args: dict_f (str): Dictionary. subnode (int, optional): Subnode. """ r = lib.il_servo_dict_storage_write(self._servo, cstr(dict_f), subnode) if not hasattr(self, '_errors') or not self._errors: self._errors = self._get_all_errors(dict_f) raise_err(r)
@property def name(self): """ Obtain servo name. Returns: str: Name. """ name ='char []', lib.IL_SERVO_NAME_SZ) r = lib.il_servo_name_get(self._servo, name, ffi.sizeof(name)) raise_err(r) return pstr(name) @name.setter def name(self, name): """ Set servo name. Args: name (str): Name. """ name_ ='char []', cstr(name)) r = lib.il_servo_name_set(self._servo, name_) raise_err(r) @property def info(self): """ Obtain servo information. Returns: dict: Servo information. """ info ='il_servo_info_t *') r = lib.il_servo_info_get(self._servo, info) raise_err(r) PRODUCT_ID_REG = Register(identifier='', address=0x06E1, dtype=REG_DTYPE.U32, access=REG_ACCESS.RO, cyclic='CONFIG', units='0') product_id = self.raw_read(PRODUCT_ID_REG) return {'serial': info.serial, 'name': pstr(, 'sw_version': pstr(info.sw_version), 'hw_variant': pstr(info.hw_variant), 'prod_code': product_id, 'revision': info.revision}
[docs] def store_all(self, subnode=1): """ Store all servo current parameters to the NVM. Args: subnode (int, optional): Subnode. """ r = lib.il_servo_store_all(self._servo, subnode) raise_err(r)
[docs] def store_comm(self): """ Store all servo current communications to the NVM. """ r = lib.il_servo_store_comm(self._servo) raise_err(r)
[docs] def store_app(self): """ Store all servo current application parameters to the NVM. """ r = lib.il_servo_store_app(self._servo) raise_err(r)
[docs] def raw_read(self, reg, subnode=1): """ Raw read from servo. Args: reg (Register): Register. Returns: int: Otained value Raises: TypeError: If the register type is not valid. """ if isinstance(reg, Register): _reg = reg elif isinstance(reg, str): _dict = self.dict if not _dict: raise ValueError('No dictionary loaded') _reg = _dict.get_regs(subnode)[reg] else: raise TypeError('Invalid register') # obtain data pointer and function to call t, f = self._raw_read[_reg.dtype] v = r = f(self._servo, _reg._reg, ffi.NULL, v) raise_err(r) try: if self.dict: _reg = self.dict.get_regs(subnode)[reg] except Exception as e: pass if _reg.dtype == REG_DTYPE.STR: return self._net.extended_buffer else: return v[0]
[docs] def get_reg(self, reg, subnode): """ Obtain Register object and its identifier. Args: reg (Register, str): Register. subnode (int): Subnode. Returns: tuple (Register, string): Actual Register instance and its identifier. """ _reg = ffi.NULL _id = ffi.NULL if isinstance(reg, Register): _reg = reg._reg elif isinstance(reg, str): _dict = self.dict if not _dict: raise ValueError('No dictionary loaded') _reg = _dict.get_regs(subnode)[reg]._reg else: raise TypeError('Invalid register') return _reg, _id
[docs] def read(self, reg, subnode=1): """ Read from servo. Args: reg (str, Register): Register. Returns: float: Otained value Raises: TypeError: If the register type is not valid. """ _reg, _id = self.get_reg(reg, subnode) v ='double *') r = lib.il_servo_read(self._servo, _reg, _id, v) raise_err(r) if self.dict: _reg = self.dict.get_regs(subnode)[reg] if _reg.dtype == REG_DTYPE.STR: return self._net.extended_buffer else: return v[0] else: return v[0]
[docs] def raw_write(self, reg, data, confirm=True, extended=0, subnode=1): """ Raw write to servo. Args: reg (Register): Register. data (int): Data. confirm (bool, optional): Confirm write. extended (int, optional): Extended frame. Raises: TypeError: If any of the arguments type is not valid or unsupported. """ if isinstance(reg, Register): _reg = reg elif isinstance(reg, str): _dict = self.dict if not _dict: raise ValueError('No dictionary loaded') _reg = _dict.get_regs(subnode)[reg] else: raise TypeError('Invalid register') # auto cast floats if register is not float if isinstance(data, float) and _reg.dtype != REG_DTYPE.FLOAT: data = int(data) # obtain function to call f = self._raw_write[_reg.dtype] r = f(self._servo, _reg._reg, ffi.NULL, data, confirm, extended) raise_err(r)
[docs] def write(self, reg, data, confirm=True, extended=0, subnode=1): """ Write to servo. Args: reg (Register): Register. data (int): Data. confirm (bool, optional): Confirm write. extended (int, optional): Extended frame. Raises: TypeError: If any of the arguments type is not valid or unsupported. """ _reg, _id = self.get_reg(reg, subnode) r = lib.il_servo_write(self._servo, _reg, _id, data, confirm, extended) raise_err(r)
[docs] def units_update(self): """ Update units scaling factors. Notes: This must be called if any encoder parameter, rated torque or pole pitch are changed, otherwise, the readings conversions will not be correct. """ r = lib.il_servo_units_update(self._servo) raise_err(r)
[docs] def units_factor(self, reg): """ Obtain units scale factor for the given register. Args: reg (Register): Register. Returns: float: Scale factor for the given register. """ return lib.il_servo_units_factor(self._servo, reg._reg)
@property def units_torque(self): """ SERVO_UNITS_TORQUE: Torque units. """ return SERVO_UNITS_TORQUE(lib.il_servo_units_torque_get(self._servo)) @units_torque.setter def units_torque(self, units): lib.il_servo_units_torque_set(self._servo, units.value) @property def units_pos(self): """ SERVO_UNITS_POS: Position units. """ return SERVO_UNITS_POS(lib.il_servo_units_pos_get(self._servo)) @units_pos.setter def units_pos(self, units): lib.il_servo_units_pos_set(self._servo, units.value) @property def units_vel(self): """ SERVO_UNITS_VEL: Velocity units. """ return SERVO_UNITS_VEL(lib.il_servo_units_vel_get(self._servo)) @units_vel.setter def units_vel(self, units): lib.il_servo_units_vel_set(self._servo, units.value) @property def units_acc(self): """ SERVO_UNITS_ACC: Acceleration units. """ return SERVO_UNITS_ACC(lib.il_servo_units_acc_get(self._servo)) @units_acc.setter def units_acc(self, units): lib.il_servo_units_acc_set(self._servo, units.value)
[docs] def disable(self, subnode=1): """ Disable PDS. """ r = lib.il_servo_disable(self._servo, subnode) raise_err(r)
[docs] def switch_on(self, timeout=2.): """ Switch on PDS. This function switches on the PDS but it does not enable the motor. For most application cases, you should only use the `enable` function. Args: timeout (int, float, optional): Timeout (s). """ r = lib.il_servo_switch_on(self._servo, to_ms(timeout)) raise_err(r)
[docs] def enable(self, timeout=2., subnode=1): """ Enable PDS. Args: timeout (int, float, optional): Timeout (s). subnode (int, optional): Subnode. """ r = lib.il_servo_enable(self._servo, to_ms(timeout), subnode) raise_err(r)
[docs] def fault_reset(self, subnode=1): """ Fault reset. Args: subnode (int, optional): Subnode. """ r = lib.il_servo_fault_reset(self._servo, subnode) raise_err(r)
@property def mode(self): """ Obtains Operation mode. Returns: SERVO_MODE: Current operation mode. """ mode ='il_servo_mode_t *') r = lib.il_servo_mode_get(self._servo, mode) raise_err(r) return SERVO_MODE(mode[0]) @mode.setter def mode(self, mode): """ Set Operation mode. Args: mode (SERVO_MODE): Operation mode. """ r = lib.il_servo_mode_set(self._servo, mode.value) raise_err(r)
[docs] def homing_start(self): """ Start the homing procedure. """ r = lib.il_servo_homing_start(self._servo) raise_err(r)
[docs] def homing_wait(self, timeout): """ Wait until homing completes. Notes: The homing itself has a configurable timeout. The timeout given here is purely a 'communications' timeout, e.g. it could happen that the statusword change is never received. This timeout should be >= than the programmed homing timeout. Args: timeout (int, float): Timeout (s). """ r = lib.il_servo_homing_wait(self._servo, to_ms(timeout)) raise_err(r)
@property def ol_voltage(self): """ Get open loop voltage. Returns: float: Open loop voltage (% relative to DC-bus, -1...1). """ voltage ='double *') r = lib.il_servo_ol_voltage_get(self._servo, voltage) raise_err(r) return voltage[0] @ol_voltage.setter def ol_voltage(self, voltage): """ Set the open loop voltage (% relative to DC-bus, -1...1). Args: float: Open loop voltage. """ r = lib.il_servo_ol_voltage_set(self._servo, voltage) raise_err(r) @property def ol_frequency(self): """ Get open loop frequency. Returns: float: Open loop frequency (mHz). """ frequency ='double *') r = lib.il_servo_ol_frequency_get(self._servo, frequency) raise_err(r) return frequency[0] @ol_frequency.setter def ol_frequency(self, frequency): """ Set the open loop frequency (mHz). Args: float: Open loop frequency. """ r = lib.il_servo_ol_frequency_set(self._servo, frequency) raise_err(r) @property def torque(self): """ Get actual torque. Returns: float: Actual torque. """ torque ='double *') r = lib.il_servo_torque_get(self._servo, torque) raise_err(r) return torque[0] @torque.setter def torque(self, torque): """ Set the target torque. Args: float: Target torque. """ r = lib.il_servo_torque_set(self._servo, torque) raise_err(r) @property def position(self): """ Get actual position. Returns: float: Actual position. """ position ='double *') r = lib.il_servo_position_get(self._servo, position) raise_err(r) return position[0] @position.setter def position(self, pos): """ Set the target position. Notes: Position can be either a single position, or a tuple/list containing in the first position the position, and in the second a dictionary with the following options: - immediate (bool): If True, the servo will go to the position immediately, otherwise it will push the position to the buffer. Defaults to True. - relative (bool): If True, the position will be taken as relative, otherwise it will be taken as absolute. Defaults to False. - sp_timeout (int, float): Set-point acknowledge timeout (s). Args: float: Target postion. """ immediate = 1 relative = 0 sp_timeout = lib.IL_SERVO_SP_TIMEOUT_DEF if isinstance(pos, (tuple, list)): if len(pos) != 2 or not isinstance(pos[1], dict): raise TypeError('Unexpected position') if 'immediate' in pos[1]: immediate = int(pos[1]['immediate']) if 'relative' in pos[1]: relative = int(pos[1]['relative']) if 'sp_timeout' in pos[1]: sp_timeout = to_ms(pos[1]['sp_timeout']) pos = pos[0] r = lib.il_servo_position_set(self._servo, pos, immediate, relative, sp_timeout) raise_err(r) @property def position_res(self): """ Get postion resolution. Returns: int: Position resolution (c/rev/s, c/ppitch/s). """ res ='uint32_t *') r = lib.il_servo_position_res_get(self._servo, res) raise_err(r) return res[0] @property def velocity(self): """ Get actual velocity. Returns: float: Actual velocity. """ velocity ='double *') r = lib.il_servo_velocity_get(self._servo, velocity) raise_err(r) return velocity[0] @velocity.setter def velocity(self, velocity): """ Set the target velocity. Args: float: Target velocity. """ r = lib.il_servo_velocity_set(self._servo, velocity) raise_err(r) @property def velocity_res(self): """ Get velocity resolution. Returns: int: Velocity resolution (c/rev, c/ppitch). """ res ='uint32_t *') r = lib.il_servo_velocity_res_get(self._servo, res) raise_err(r) return res[0]
[docs] def wait_reached(self, timeout): """ Wait until the servo does a target reach. Args: timeout (int, float): Timeout (s). """ r = lib.il_servo_wait_reached(self._servo, to_ms(timeout)) raise_err(r)
[docs] def disturbance_write_data(self, channel, dtype, data_arr): """ Write disturbance data. Args: channel (int): Channel identifier. dtype (int): Data type. data_arr (array): Data array. """ self.raw_write(DIST_NUMBER_SAMPLES, len(data_arr), subnode=0) actual_size = int(len(data_arr)) actual_pos = 0 while actual_size > DIST_FRAME_SIZE_BYTES: next_pos = actual_pos + DIST_FRAME_SIZE_BYTES, dtype, data_arr[actual_pos: next_pos]) = DIST_FRAME_SIZE self.write(DIST_DATA, DIST_FRAME_SIZE, False, 1, subnode=0) actual_pos = next_pos actual_size -= DIST_FRAME_SIZE_BYTES # Last disturbance frame channel, dtype, data_arr[actual_pos: actual_pos + actual_size] ) = actual_size * 4 self.write(DIST_DATA, actual_size * 4, False, 1, subnode=0)